Lent: Deepening Our Prayer Life
**NEW** Half Hour Program on Radiomaria.ca Thursday at 9 pm or Saturday at 2 pm. Kindly click On Air Live / English Canada
Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick
Part 1 - Discussion on Lent - The necessary thing in Lent is to attend to prayer, fasting and almsgiving and thus knowing Jesus better. The focus is on deepening our relationship with God through prayer.
Part 2 - Lectio Divina: Read, reflect, respond and rest on the Word of God: Luke 4:1-13 - The 3 Temptations of Jesus in the Desert.
Check our website: https://allsaintset.archtoronto.org/en/our-ministries/outreach/radio-program-by-mariangela--nick-mossa/
**NEW** Half Hour Program on Radiomaria.ca
Thursday at 9 pm or Saturday at 2 pm
Kindly click On Air Live / English Canada
Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick:
Part 1 – Hope: A Theological Virtue and its importance in our lives. We discuss how we can be renewed in Hope and get closer to Jesus.
Part 2 – Lectio Divina: Read Reflet Respond Rest on the Word of God using a Bible passage of Hope so as to deepen our Catholic faith.
Check our website: https://allsaintset.archtoronto.org/en/our-ministries/outreach/radio-program-by-mariangela--nick-mossa/
Join parishioners Mariangela & Nick for Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy.
**NEW** Half Hour Program on Radiomaria.ca
Thursday at 9 pm or Saturday at 2 pm
Please click On Air Live / English Canada
Part 1 – A New Year, A Year of Renewal and Hope
We discuss how we can be renewed and get closer to God in the new year. 2025 is the Jubilee Year of Hope.
Part 2 – Lectio Divina: Matthew 2:1-12 Reflection on the Epiphany
Check our website: https://allsaintset.archtoronto.org/en/our-ministries/outreach/radio-program-by-mariangela--nick-mossa/
Called to be Saints for the Greater Glory of God
Is the topic for November.
Thursdays at 9pm; Saturday at 2pm
radiomaria.ca / Listen Live English
Join parishioners Mariangela and Nick as they discuss the lives of the Saints , who are they what it takes to be a Saint Through words, prayers, and reflections, we look to All the Saints Words used will be Sacrifice, Joy, Conversion, Courage, Patience, Humility, Witness Faith Hope and Love.
Check our website: https://allsaintset.archtoronto.org/en/our-ministries/outreach/radio-program-by-mariangela--nick-mossa/
Turning to Jesus in times of Difficulty
is the topic for October radiomaria.ca / Listen Live.
Repeated Thursdays at 9 pm; Saturday at 2 pm.
Join parishioners Mariangela and Nick as they discuss how we can deal with difficulties when facing challenges in life. Simply to turn to Jesus; He is the ultimate answer to any problem. Through words, prayers, and reflections, we look at the meaning of suffering and also share how Taking up our cross and Offering it up can assist us. Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Joseph and other Saints are good models to help us get through these times.
Check our website: https://allsaintset.archtoronto.org/en/our-ministries/outreach/radio-program-by-mariangela--nick-mossa/
Jesus the Teacher
September online broadcast radiomaria.ca
Thursday 9 pm & Saturday 2 pm / Click English.
As a new school year starts, please join Mariangela and Nick. They will discuss the important teachers in our lives. Jesus Mother Mary teachers priests and parents. Sharing some testimonials and the importance of a Catholic education centered around Christ Words to focus on are Wisdom Patience Obedience and Love.
Check our website: https://allsaintset.archtoronto.org/en/our-ministries/outreach/radio-program-by-mariangela--nick-mossa/
The Power of the Holy Word Of God
is the topic for August on radiomaria.ca
Repeated Thursdays at 9 pm; Saturday at 2 pm
Join parishioners Mariangela and Nick as they discuss The Holy Word of God and about the importance of words and verses Jesus proclaimed. They also share about the importance of communication, the best words to use and how using positive words can transform our lives and bring us closer to our Lord.
Check our website: https://allsaintset.archtoronto.org/en/our-ministries/outreach/radio-program-by-mariangela--nick-mossa/
Finding God in All Things with St. Ignatuis
Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy (July)
Join parishioners Mariangela & Nick Online @ radiomaria.ca
Click On Air Live / English Thursdays at 9 pm + Saturdays at 2 pm.
Ignatian spirituality challenges us to encounter God in all things, witnessing to the joy of the Gospel. We go forth into the world as contemplatives in action, discerning God’s desire for our lives here and now, and acting on God’s invitation to awaken and enlighten ourselves. We do it all for the Greater glory of God.
Check our website: https://allsaintset.archtoronto.org/en/our-ministries/outreach/radio-program-by-mariangela--nick-mossa/
Jesus at the Center of our Lives
Deepening Our Catholic Faith
Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy.
Join parishioners Mariangela & Nick for their internet program on radiomaria.ca
Click On Air / Radio Maria Canada - Toronto Every Thursday at 9 pm + Saturday at 2 pm.
For the month of June, they will discuss the importance and necessity of Jesus as the focus of our lives.
Key Words: Source and Summit, Surrender, Joy, Prayers, Faith, Trust, The Nicene Creed.
May: the Month of Mary
Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy
Join parishioners Mariangela & Nick for their internet program on radiomaria.ca
Click On Air / Radio Maria Canada - Toronto. Every Thursday at 9 pm + Saturday at 2 pm.
This month they discuss the importance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother and the key role she plays in our Catholic faith. With words, prayers, Bible passages, quotes and reflections we learn more about Mary and share insights to help us get closer to her and through her get closer to God, her beloved Son.
Check our website: https://allsaintset.archtoronto.org/en/our-ministries/outreach/radio-program-by-mariangela--nick-mossa/
The Lord is Risen Alleluia!
Resurrection and Salvation will be the topics for the month of April on radiomaria.ca
Every Thursday at 9 pm or Saturday at 2 pm Please click On Air Live / English Canada.
Join parishioners Mariangela & Nick for Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy. An inspirational hour discussing the Power or the Resurrection and the Graces God shares with us for the salvation of our souls to be with Jesus in eternity. A time to deepen our faith with Bible passages and reflections on the resurrection.
Carrying The Cross along with Jesus
Join parishioners Mariangela & Nick Online for their program Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy.
On radiomaria.ca On Air Live / English Canada, Thursday at 9 pm + Saturday at 2 pm in March.
In our March program, we ask how our Lenten journey is going? We look at how Jesus carried his cross and how we can deal with difficulties in our life carrying our crosses. We share quotes from saints to encourage us take up our cross in times of trouble. Key Words; Courage Endurance Redemptive Offer it up.
Choosing Courage and Magnanimity
Doing Great things for others
radiomaria.ca, please click On Air / 3rd option
Every Thursday 9 pm and Saturday 2 pm for the month of February
Join parishioners Mariangela and Nick as they discuss the importance of being a courageous and generous Catholic through many reflections, bible passages, prayers and affirmations… All for the Glory of God. With Lent beginning in February, the Stations of the Cross will also be recited.
Forgiveness and A New Start in 2024
on radiomaria.ca please click On Air / 3rd option
Every Thursday 9 pm and Saturday 2 pm for the month of January
Join parishioners Mariangela and Nick as they discuss the importance of Forgiveness. When we affirm to Let Go and Let God, the healing begins and we are transformed. Through many reflections, bible passages, prayers and affirmations and with Jesus at the center, we will have a New Attitude for 2024.
December Program
Advent: A Hopeful Expectation
Thursday 9 pm and repeated Saturday 2 pm
on radiomaria.ca click “ON AIR” then “Radio Maria Canada – Toronto”
Join parishioners Mariangela and Nick as they share the meaning and significance of the Advent candles: Hope, Peace, Joy and Love as we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus on Christmas day. They will also talk about the role of Mother Mary in this season. They end with a year-end review recap of all 12 shows this past year.
The Eucharist Take and Eat
is the topic for November on radiomaria.ca
Every Thursday at 9 pm & Saturday at 2 pm
Please click “On Air” / Radio Maria Canada Toronto
Join parishioners Mariangela & Nick for their program Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy. We continue on last month’s topic of Thanksgiving and focus on the importance of the Eucharist. We discuss how the blessed sacrament heals and restores us. Jesus in the Eucharist is the Source and Summit of our Catholic life. An hour to inspire and deepen our faith with Bible passages and reflections on the Eucharist and Jesus’ offering up His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity as a way to be with us always.
A Grateful Heart is the topic for October on radiomaria.ca
Join parishioners Mariangela & Nick for Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy every Thursday at 9pm, Saturday at 2pm
What does it mean to have a grateful heart? Join us as we try to answer this question. Praising God and focusing on His many blessings and graces is one way that leads us to be forever thankful. We look at what affects our gratitude and also touch on the meaning of the Eucharist which is thanksgiving. Through prayers, reflections and the use of power words, we see the many ways to be grateful.
The Many Miracles of Jesus is the topic for September on radiomaria.ca
Join parishioners Mariangela & Nick for Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy every Thursday at 9pm, Saturday at 2pm
They will discuss the many miracles that Jesus performed, what miracles are and how we can be the Miracle in other people lives. It will be an insightful hour of reflection, prayers, quotes, and power words on miracles, all to bring us closer to Jesus.
The Power of the Holy Word of God is the topic for August on radiomaria.ca
Join parishioners Mariangela & Nick for Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy every Thursday at 9 pm, Saturday at 2 pm
This month they discuss the power of the Holy Word of God, the importance of words and what is said and not said. They also look at some words and verses Jesus proclaimed and explain the importance of communication and the best words to use. Through prayers, reflections and the use of positive words, we see how we can transform our lives, allow God’s Word to live within us and become closer to God.
Discernment and Making the Best Decisions in Life is the topic for July on radiomaria.ca
Every Thursday at 9pm & Saturday at 2pm.
Join Parishioners Mariangela and Nick as they discuss the meaning of discernment and how to make the best life decisions. St. Ignatius’ spiritual exercises and the 7 steps to discernment are reviewed. They also explain 3 paths in life one can take: single, married or religious. Through many prayers and bible passages, we see ultimately the best decisions are ones that brings us peace and joy through the guidance of God and with the Holy Spirit.
Healing After the Pandemic with the Sacred Heart of Jesus
radiomaria.ca click listen Live - Thursdays 9 pm & Saturday 2 pm
The Topic for June is the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please Listen in as parishioners Mariangela and Nick discuss where we are 1000 days after Covid 19 first started. When we open our hearts and minds to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, He will help us heal and recover to the New Normal way of life.
May the Peace of Christ be with You
At radiomaria.ca Click to listen live Thursday at 9 pm or Saturday 2 pm
The topic for May is Peace and living a life filled with Peace. Please join parishioners, Mariangela and Nick as the discuss ways to achieve peace in our lives: through Mother Mary, the Holy Spirit, with prayers and many affirmations.
Jesus at the Center of Our Life will be the topic for April.
Go to radiomaria.ca Click listen live Thursday at 9 pm or Saturday 2 pm
Please join parishioners Nick and Mariangela as they discuss the importance of making Jesus the Center of our life. Centering on Jesus is done by getting to know Him, worship Him, follow Him and ultimately saying YES to Him. They further look at how Jesus is encountered through scripture and through Mother Mary. An hour with the Risen Lord.
Methodical Lent: Self reflection
Listen Live on radiomaria.ca Thur. at 9 pm and Sat. at 2 pm
Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick on their March program Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy as they reflect on making Lent methodical leading to a deeper experience and closeness with Jesus. The desert is described as a metaphor of Lent and Mother Mary’s life is described as a great example of journeying, surrendering and meditating during Lent. Through various prayers and affirmations, this episode ends with a reflection on how we can find joy in Lent.
The topic for February is Surrendering and Abandonment to Jesus
Listen Live on radiomaria.ca Thur., at 9 pm and Sat., at 2 pm
Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick on their program Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy as they reflect on surrendering all to Jesus, letting go and letting God. What does it mean to surrender to God? What are some things that should be abandoned and actions to take? What are some reasons why we don’t surrender, what we can do about it and ways that Jesus and Mother Mary surrendered? These questions and more will be answered, interspersed with prayers on surrendering to God’s will.
2023 Change + Transformation with Jesus
Happy New Year!! January’s Topic is Starting the year with a positive change
Please join us on radiomaria.ca Listen Live Thursdays at 9 pm and Saturdays at 2 pm
Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick on their program Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy as they discuss setting goals in the new year. They reflect on what blocks us from change and what is needed to convert and transform our lives focusing always on Jesus at the center. It will be an hour to inspire transition and transformation.
Advent, a time of preparation for Christmas
For the month of December on Thurs 9 pm + Sat 2 pm radiomaria.ca click listen Live
Join parishioners Mariangela and Nick as they share the meaning, Advent. As we wait and prepare for the coming of baby Jesus. They will also do a recap for the past of the year’s programs, where we chose and affirmed to set the World on Fire with the love of Jesus.
Reconnecting with Jesus, Christ the King
Every Thursday at 9 pm or Saturday at 2 pm for the month of November on radiomaria.ca
Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick, as they discuss the ways to reconnect with God, especially if we feel a disconnect with Christ the King who is the Center of our life. Using many affirmations, reflections and prayers, it will be a powerful hour together to deepen our faith and become closer to Christ.
October’s program - Attitude of Gratitude live on radiomaria.ca
Every Thursday at 9 pm; repeated every Saturday at 2 pm. Click to listen live. Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick for an hour as they discuss the importance of gratitude in our lives; recognizing its healing power and how Jesus, Mary and the Saints lived their lives celebrating everyday as a Grace and Blessing from God.
September’s program - Deepen our Prayer Life with Mother Mary
The Power of Prayer – Part 2 on radiomaria.ca
Every Thursday at 9 pm; repeated every Saturday at 2 pm. Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick, as they share more insights on praying and including Mother Mary. It’s part of the Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy series. An hour to deepen and celebrate our faith.
The Power of Prayer on radiomaria.ca in August
Repeated Every Thursday at 9pm and Saturday at 2pm
Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick. They will be discussing the importance and necessity of prayer in our lives. Prayer is our relationship and communication with God. You’re invited to be part of this broadcast to deepen our faith as we journey together with Jesus.
Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy on radiomaria.ca
Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick for their July program Seeing God in All Things - Repeated Thursdays at 9 pm, Saturdays at 2 pm.
This month they discuss St. Ignatius of Loyola and Ignatian Spirituality. St. Ignatius founded the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits. He started the work that would become the Spiritual Exercises, including the Daily Examen, a daily reflective prayer. St. Ignatius wanted Jesuits and all of us, to go out and “find or see God in all things.” By finding Jesus in all things, we experience and respond to God’s deepening love.
Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy - Program on radiomaria.ca
Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick for their June program: An Attitude of Joy Repeated Thursdays at 9pm and Saturdays at 2pm. They will be sharing stories and affirmations on Joy. What is joy? Why do we need it? How can we bring more joy in our life? When we choose Jesus, we choose Joy! Let us celebrate our faith with a joyous attitude and Christ at the centre!
Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy - Program on radiomaria.ca
Repeated every Thursday at 9 pm, Saturday at 2 pm. The topic for the month of May: Journey from Lent to Easter, Now What? Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick as they discuss ways to continue to celebrate the Easter season. We pray the Via Lucis (Way of Light), look at why May is considered the month of Mary, the meaning of the Holy Spirit and ways to celebrate Pentecost.
Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy - Program on radiomaria.ca
The topic for the month of April is the Cross and Resurrection
Repeated Thursdays at 9 pm & Saturdays at 2 pm. Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick as they discuss Lent, Easter and the Power of the Resurrection. It will be a faith filled hour, talking about the Jesus’s great love and sacrifice for us.
Lent 40 Days with Jesus: The topic for March is Lent on radiomaria.ca
Repeated every Thursday at 9pm and Saturday at 2pm
Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick who will talk about the history and importance of Lent. We look at how to prepare through prayer, fasting and almsgiving and what is the necessary to focus on to become closer to Jesus. Part of the program will be dedicated to a tribute to the life of Father Vito.
Renewal of Mental Health, Wellness and Joy
Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy Program Every Thursday 9pm and Saturday 2pm in February at radiomaria.ca
Join parishioners Mariangela and Nick as the discuss the topic of improving our mental health. Join us this month for an hour to renew our minds and be like Christ. Take the time to Rest Restore and Renew.
Jesus with Us: Reflections of Joy 2022 a Renewal of Faith - Become Like Fire
www.radiomaria.ca Click to Listen Live EVERY Thursday at 9pm and Saturday at 2pm in January
Please join parishioners Mariangela and Nick as they discuss the New Year with topics on how to renew our Body, Mind and Spirit. Start the Year Filled with the Holy Spirit of Joy and with Jesus at the centre.