Holy Family All Saints

Virtual Recommendations

All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for March 2025

Perspectives on Current Events that Impact our Church

Brought to you by:  Outreach Ministry, allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com

Access current and past recommendations here:


This issue of ASVR will cover the following current events topics: 

  • Items 1: A message from Cardinal Frank Leo
  • Item 2: A Lenten Retreat at St. Augustine’s
  • Item 3: A Free talk on The Nicene Creed
  • Item 4: Reflections by Henri Nouwen
  • Item 5: A Men’s retreat at Manresa
  • Item 6: A Series on Synodality:  Onwards and Upwards     
  • Item 7: A Study Tour in Asia
  • Item 8: The U.S. Mexico border
  • Item 9: Society of Saint Vincent de Paul’s Bundle-Up Weekend for our Neighbours in Need


  1. Prayer for Pope Francis
    O merciful and loving God, fountain of all grace and source of eternal healing, be with our Holy Father as he faces this battle with illness. Surround him, O Lord, with boundless compassion and strengthen his spirit so that he may regain the health needed to continue to lead your flock with a father’s heart. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Thank you very much for welcoming this prayer request and may the Lord reward you for your solidarity and Christian charity.

Sincerely yours in Jesus with Mary,

Frank Cardinal Leo
Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto


2. Lenten Retreat - Finding Living Water on our Desert Journey

The Institute of Theology at St. Augustine’s Seminary presents this Lenten Day of Retreat as part of its Spirit & Life Series for the 2024–2025 Academic Year.

Retreat Leader: Archbishop Emeritus Thomas Cardinal Collins

The Exodus journey of the Israelites through the desert has long been a model for the Season of Lent. This Lenten day of retreat will offer the fruitful spiritual exercise of understanding both the threats of the modern secular desert, and the ways we can find wellsprings of new life and of hope.

Format: In-Person Only
Cost: $45 - Includes warm pastries, coffee and tea on arrival, as well as lunch. Mass, Confession and Adoration will also be offered.
Registration: Capacity is limited and attendance is by registration only. To register, visit the website staugustines.on.ca/events

Saturday, March 22, 2025 09:00 AM to Saturday, March 22, 2025 04:00 PM   |   St. Augustine's Seminary, 2661 Kingston Rd., Scarborough

POSTER: https://bit.ly/4hKgCY8


3. 1700 Years Nicene Creed (325-2025): Sources, Meaning and Lasting Impact


Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 06:30 PM to Tuesday, March 25, 2025 08:30 PM   |   Charbonnel Lounge, USMC, 81 St. Mary St. 

The Ecclesiastical Faculty of Theology at St. Augustine’s Seminary presents this talk as part of its Series of Patristic Talks for the 2024–2025 Academic Year.

The talk will analyse the exact meaning of the text of the Nicene Creed on the basis of its theological tradition and show why it became such an undisputed success story up to our present days.

Speaker: Rev. Hubertus Drobner
Cost: FREE
Registration: Capacity is limited and attendance is by registration only. To register, for in-person or online attendance visit our website: staugustines.on.ca/events
POSTER: https://bit.ly/4gLn8wI


4. Reflections by Henri Nouwen 

God, Our Fellow Traveller

The many names from Abraham to Jesus are certainly not saints. They are names of men and women who struggled hard with the powers of evil, sometimes more successfully than others, and who have experienced love, hatred, joy, pain, reward, and punishment, like ourselves. It is these men and women who form the story in which God himself wanted to become a part. God, so it seems, inserted himself in our tiresome and often exhausting journey and became a fellow traveller. When Jesus joined the sad and deeply disappointed disciples on the road to Emmaus and opened their eyes so that they could see what was happening, he revealed what it means that God is a God with us.

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” - Isaiah 30:


Wounded by Religion

The most insidious, divisive, and wounding power is the power used in the service of God. The number of people who “have been wounded by religion” overwhelms me. An unfriendly or judgmental word by a minister or priest, a critical remark in church about a certain lifestyle, a refusal to welcome people at the table, an absence during an illness or death, and countless other hurts often remain longer in people’s memories than other more world-like rejections. Thousands of separated and divorced men and women, numerous gay and lesbian people, and all of the homeless people who felt unwelcome in the houses of worship of their brothers and sisters in the human family have turned away from God because they experienced the use of power when they expected an expression of love.     “Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.” - Psalm 27


5.  The Wisdom of Henri Nouwen – A Men’s Retreat at Manresa

March 14, 2025 – March 16, 2025

6:30 PM

2325 Liverpool Road Pickering, Ontario L1X 1V4  - Manresa

Men’s Ignatian Retreat – Henri Nouwen was a Dutch-born Catholic priest, a professor, and a psychologist, as well as a spiritual guide and writer. He wrote with great openness about faith, spiritual development, prayer, and other aspects of our journeys with God. One of his greatest gifts was his ability to help people connect with their vulnerabilities in order to grow in trust and intimacy.

This Lenten retreat will consider this and other common themes in Nouwen’s writing, such as being the beloved of God, giving and receiving forgiveness, growing in hope, and accepting one’s limitations. The focus will be on providing concrete ways to incorporate these ideas into our prayer lives.

Facilitated by Fr. Kevin Kelly, SJ

Register online: manresa-canada.ca

Email: manresaregistration@outlook.com

Suggested Offering: $ 260.00 pp

Includes your two night’s accommodation, meals, retreat program and spiritual direction. Fr. Kevin Kelly, S.J., entered the Society of Jesus in 2011. He worked for 12 years in a multinational pharmaceutical company where he held several leadership positions in Canada, the US and Europe. He was ordained to the priesthood in May 2020. Kevin is currently the Executive Director of the Ignatian Spirituality Centre of Montreal.

Father Kevin’s ministry focuses on spiritual accompaniment and retreat animation, integrating Ignatian spirituality into the business context, and working with those in recovery from addiction. Kevin is a member of the Ignatian Spirituality Project, a retreat program that supports those in recovery who have experienced homelessness.

6. A Course on Synodality

Tea-Time Theology: "Onwards & Upwards!" The Synodal Process Beyond October 2024.

Sister Gill Goulding, CJ, brings a wealth of experience and expertise. As a member of the Theological Commission of the Secretariat of the Synod, she contributed to the preparatory document, the Vademecum, and the Document for the Continental Stage. Her insights promise to shed light on how we can continue the Synodal journey well beyond October 2024.

This series will follow our Windows on Theology format, taking place every Wednesday from March 12 to April 9, from 11:00 AM to 12:45 PM. The course will be offered in a hybrid format, with in-person sessions, live-streaming, and recorded options available to ensure accessibility for all. You can register by clicking the button above, or by clicking here.                 Admission    $160.00


Regis College
100 Wellesley St W
M5S 2Z5, ON M5S 2Z5


7. A Study Tour: Finding God on the Silk Road

 April 23 – May 9, 2025 (17 days)

       Presented by Patricia O’Reilly & Scott Lewis, SJ

       There is still some room.

The 5 STANS of Centra Asia:

    1. Kazakhstan
    2. Kyrgyzstan
    3. Tajikistan
    4. Turkmenistan
    5. Uzbekistan

Mention of the Silk Road immediately evokes images of caravans, exotic places, Marco Polo, mysterious lands, languages, and glittering luxuries. Many in the West know little or nothing about Central Asia, and the amazingly rich culture and intellectual history of the area that today lies chiefly in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. Many religions and philosophical ideas flowed along the Silk Road in both directions, including Christianity of many varieties, Buddhism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, and Manichaeism, all of which enriched the intellectual and spiritual milieu of these cities. Today these lands are experiencing a rebirth and we are excited about learning about their history and ‘Finding God On The Silk Road’.

For more information contact Patricia O’Reilly at poreilly@jesuits.org


8. La Frontera: An Ignatian look at the US – Mexican Border

A Zoom Webinar, Thursday, March 20 at 7:00 PM


Presented by Brian Strasburger, S.J.

90 minutes of presentation and Q & A


9. Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Serving our Neighbours in Need

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul will be providing a 20 foot long Walk-In bin in the All Saints’ parking lot on:

Saturday, March 22   From Noon to 6:00 P.M.  and

Sunday, March 23      From 7:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.

 We AcceptGently used bedding, drapery, textiles, clothing, coats, boots, shoes, towels, and new toys only.

We Cannot AcceptAppliances, dishes, books, all baby furnishing and items, large furniture items and beds, used toys, construction material, videos or cassettes.



All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for February 2025

Perspectives on Current Events that Impact our Church

Brought to you by:  Outreach Ministry, allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com

Access current and past recommendations here:



This issue of ASVR will cover the following current events topics:

  • Items 1-4 Artificial Intelligence – Items 1-4: two recordings of recent presentations, a new registration opportunity, and the latest perspective from the Vatican
  • Item 5 Federal survey to access interest in Advanced Planning Directives for MAiD
  • Item 6 Supporting our Neighbours in Need via SSVP


  1. We were delighted to host a capacity audience on Saturday, January 25, 2025 in the All Saints’ Parish hall. Our community of parishioners and guests came to hear Giancarlo Brotto who shared his perspectives on “Navigating AI with Faith and Responsibility”.

Here are images and videos from his presentation:       


 In addition, Giancarlo invites us to stay informed about future talks, resources, and discussions on AI and faith by clicking here: https://forms.gle/cY8dmiVXpjrpt7f78


  1. Regis St. Michael’s Faculty of Theology hosted a panel discussion titled Artificial Intelligence: A Theological Perspective. Panel presentations by Darwin AI founder Sheldon Fernandez, University of Toronto Professor Michael Grunninger, and Laval University Professor Corey Labrecque sparked a rich and meaningful dialogue about AI, theology, and ethics. A question and answer session with the audience probed the broader implications for understanding what it means to be human.

Here is a recording of the panel discussion. 



  1. Artificial Intelligence: A Theological Perspective - Public Lecture

Such a complex and timely topic naturally invites us to explore further. The Regis St. Michael’s Faculty of Theology and Regis College, is thrilled to announce that one of their esteemed panelists, Sheldon Fernandez—a proud Regis College alumnus—will be delivering a public lecture that delves even deeper into the dialogue between theology and the blessings and challenges of artificial intelligence.

The lecture will take place on February 12, 2025, from 6 to 8 pm in St. Joseph Chapel. 

Artificial Intelligence: A Theological Perspective - Public Lecture will take place on 02/12/2025, from 06:00 PM ET to 08:00 PM ET, at Regis College.

Click here to register: 



  1. Shared by the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute, CCBI:

The most recent perspective on AI from the Vatican – January 28 2025



Note on the Relationship Between
Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence



  1. CCBI has brought this survey to our attention: it is intended to capture opinions on extending Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) to include Advance Planning Directives.

The survey is available only until February 14, 2025. 

Keep in mind that Palliative Care is the Catholic recommendation and painless alternative to all the above.

In October 2024, Québec implemented a law allowing advance directives for MAiD for patients with capacity-limiting illnesses. This means people can choose MAiD in advance, based on assumptions of how they think they'll feel later. It's like asking a kid what they want to be when they grow up and assuming they'll feel the same when they're older.

While acknowledging that this is not in alignment with the Criminal Code, the Federal government has launched a series of consultations, including a survey which is available until February 14th, 2025. 
There are certain questions that presuppose answers and that makes it difficult to complete the questionnaire and get your viewpoint across. Attached is our sample response to the public survey being run by the Federal government. Please use your own words when completing the survey. 

These suggestions are provided by No Options, No Choice, a project of the Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada.

The survey is available at the following link: Complete the Federal Survey

  1. Serving our Neighbours in Need

 SSVP’s Bundle-Up Weekend is coming to All Saints’ Parish

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul will be parking a 20 foot long Walk-In bin in our parking lot on

Saturday, March 22 and Sunday, March 23, 2025.

We are invited to fill it with:

Gently used bedding, drapery, textiles, clothing, coats, boots, shoes, towels and new toys only

Start packing!!

Items we do not accept:

Appliances, dishes, books, all baby furnishing and items,

large furniture items and beds, used toys, construction material,

video or cassettes.


All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for January 2025

Perspectives on Current Events that Impact our Church

Brought to you by:  Outreach Ministry, allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com

Access current and past recommendations here:


This issue of ASVR will cover the following current events topics: 

  • Artificial Intelligence – Guest Speaker Series Presentation at All Saints’ Church, Saturday, January 25, 2025
  • 2025, a Jubilee Year of Renewal
  • A webinar: Divisions caused by politics, consumer culture and social media
  • A Christmas Story by Thomas Merton, shared by CBC Radio
  • Artificial Intelligence – Panel discussion at Regis College
  • Artificial Intelligence – CCBI’s perspective


  1.         Guest Speaker Series at All Saints’ presents:

Navigating AI with Faith and Responsibility

Saturday, January 25, 2025

9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

All Saints’ Parish Hall

In a world transformed by artificial intelligence (AI), how can we make choices that align with our faith and values?  This interactive session will provide:

    • A clear understanding of AI’s impact on daily life.
    • Practical strategies to navigate AI and technology wisely.
    • Insights into skills needed to thrive in an AI-driven world
    • Ethical considerations, including guidance from the Vatican on AI’s role in respecting human dignity and community well-being.

Join us for a faith-centered discussion that empowers individuals 13+ to embrace AI’s opportunities and challenges responsibly.

Poster:  https://bit.ly/4fgmAOB

How to register:

Sign up in person after any weekend Mass at All Saints’, or

Sign up online at:  bit.ly/JAN25AI

We hope to see you at All Saints’ for this presentation on January 25th.


  1. Cardinal Leo launches the Jubilee year, excepts from The Catholic Register

“This is a moment of genuine and personal encounter with Lord Jesus who is the door to our salvation. That is what we do during a jubilee, we receive mercy from God and we give that mercy to others,” he said.

According to Leo, those opportunities are available to all Catholics and especially to those within the Archdiocese of Toronto. He spoke to the number of pilgrim churches throughout the Archdiocese tasked with bringing the faithful together over the next 12 months. These include Martyrs’ Shrine in Midland, St. Paul’s Basilica, St. Mary’s and St. Edward the Confessor for the central region, Our Lady of Sorrows and St. Mary’s (Brampton) in the west, St. Barnabas and St. Gregory the Great in the east and St. Padre Pio and St. Mary’s (Barrie) in the north.

Additionally, tonight’s celebratory Mass marks the beginning of a multitude of different pilgrimages, initiatives and services that are set to take place over the course of next year for the Jubilee Year in Toronto. These include a pilgrimage led by Leo to Martyrs’ Shrine for its 100th anniversary in August, a Jubilee Day with Mary at St. Augustine's Seminary on May 31 and Office of Catholic Youth and archdiocesan pilgrimages to Rome on July 23 and Nov. 10 respectively.

More than anything, Leo expressed his own hopes for 2025, calling on Catholics around the world to be attentive and receptive to the gifts available to us during the Jubilee Year.

“Hope is not the power of wishful and positive thinking, nor is it optimism or pessimism. Hope means to place your trust, to place your life and to place your future in God’s promises,” he said. “God has put aside so many personalized graces with our names on them this year, so we must open up the door of our hearts to receive what God wants to give us because He loves us.”


  1. Gnarled Yet Graced: Christ's Call to Deeper Connection in a World That Pulls Us Apart

A Webinar:  January 28, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. ET

Political battles divide families. Consumer culture breeds isolation. Social media promises connection yet leaves us hungry for authentic presence. Research underscores these challenges. Beneath these surface tensions lies a deeper spiritual reality – our profound hunger for genuine communion with God and one another.  

The Gospel offers us a powerful image: Christ as the True Vine, the ultimate reconciler, connecting all humanity in a living network of grace. Through this lens, even our most challenging relationships reveal unexpected opportunities for divine encounter. Drawing from Scripture and Ignatian spirituality, Fr. John Meehan will discuss how prayerful attention transforms our approach to difference and conflict, opening pathways to genuine community. 

Register:  https://jesuites.jesuits.ca/en/building-strong-communities-in-a-fractured-world?utm_campaign=In%20All%20Things&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9loQFrrANAze1nxxEKouQ6U2-QFnky1JYCM5LM5dFn21CLNpyzLoLxX8TXbIp8Z8Jv_VbGWnKjFf2yjhz7JRKUl0mHjyOMwe4O_8ERLsBzOQrhWss&_hsmi=338500438&utm_content=338500438&utm_source=hs_email#curve-gate-form


  1. Apocalypse for Christmas: Thomas Merton and the Inn  

Modern mystic Thomas Merton helped to bring contemplative spirituality to the fore during the vicissitudes of the 20th century. He spins us a powerful, prophetic Christmas story that we don’t often hear, but one that is central to our modern self-understanding.  CBC Radio recording, 54 minutes, Narrated by Scott Lewis



  1. A Theological Panel Discussion on Artificial Intelligence at Regis College.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a topic we simply can’t ignore. From reshaping education and work to influencing our institutions, its impact on today's world is pervasive. But what does AI mean for our faith and ethical conduct?

Tuesday, January 21, 2025, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The event will include a light lunch, and Gordon Rixon, S.J. will be moderating the conversation.

While event is free, registration is required to secure your spot. This promises to be a timely and engaging discussion on the intersection of faith, ethics, and AI.

Register here:  https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/wwYVV1yW0sV5Zk55pX2Xq732t4MayvzoIcoz-nccehk=/XEz6v2CegjozQy-PLDRyznie2fAGR8NO4o6bFeiJ62o=


  1. Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute’s take on Artificial Intelligence

Article includes:  Positive Aspects of AI; AI in Healthcare; Ethical Questions; Human Error; Effect on Employment; Human Priorities; the Vatican’s use of AI to generate a digital twin of St. Peter’s – read the article from this link:



All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for December 2024

Perspectives on Current Events that Impact our Church

Brought to you by:  Outreach Ministry, allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com

Access current and past recommendations here:


This issue of ASVR will cover the following current events topics:

  • Why this Synod matters so Greatly: it Ushers in a New/Old World, Dr. Michael W. Higgins, December 14
  • CCBI Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute: Catholic Hospitals and Euthanasia, as well as Consequences of the loss of access-to-safe-consumption-sites.
  • Discerning our Vote in Politically Charged Times – Zoom December 10
  • Spiritual Reflections on the Season of Advent by Msgr. A. Robert Nusca
  • Astronomy and the Church
  • Artificial Intelligence currently at UHN and upcoming presentation at All Saints’ Church, January 25, 2025


  1. Reserve your seat for our upcoming in-person presentation at All Saints’ Church.

Dr. Michael W. Higgins

Saturday, December 14, 2024

9:30 am – 11:30 am

Why this Synod matters so Greatly: it Ushers in a New/Old World

Join us at All Saints' as we continue to explore current events that impact our Church locally, nationally and internationally. Our guest speaker, Dr. Michael W. Higgins, covered the Synod in Rome on the ground for Paulist Press. He highlights that the Synod on Synodality is a crucial moment for our faith community and invites us to embrace this transformative journey and explore how the Synod will shape our spiritual future. The All Saints' Parish Hall is fully accessible. Parking is on site. No fee. Donations are gratefully received. To reserve a seat, email: allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com.

We hope to see you at All Saints’ for this presentation on Saturday,December 14!


  1. The Season of Advent: Christian Hope and Joy

Spiritual Reflections on the Season of Advent

Msgr. Robert F. Nusca



  1. “The Pope’s Astronomer” Guy Consolmagno, Director of the Vatican Observatory

A self-explanatory three-minute video.        https://youtu.be/kbqcHGXEKX4


  1. Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute

CCBI News: Catholic Hospitals; Euthanasia—UK; MAiD Review—Needless Deaths; Congratulations!


Here is a Globe and Mail article on the loss of access-to-safe-consumption-sites.


Here’s CCBI’s take: A Multi-Pronged Approach

This is a highly charged issue and the ethics around it are debatable. All involved, medical professionals, politicians, ethicists, parents and family of users, etc., must remain open to learning from statistical evidence on which to base and evaluate policies. Cutting off access to safe sites which, while affecting social environments because of thoughtlessly being placed near schools or housing, at the same time are saving lives, represents a failure to do all that is possible to help those severely addicted. Move the sites if they are causing harm—do not close them, unless statistics show they are ineffective!  AND at the same time provide better mental health and addiction services. It is clear that a multi-pronged approach is needed to prevent more deaths while the opioid crisis persists. 


  1. Contemplation and Political Action: An Ignatian Guide to Civic Engagement

Current events that impact our faith are sometimes enmeshed in challenging and controversial politics.

Discerning our Vote in Politically Charged Times will be presented by Zoom.

This includes an excellent guide on how to approach these topics with an open mind.

Register for this online event which will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2024,

from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm by Zoom.

The event is free, but it does provide an opportunity to donate any amount.

Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice

Register here for Discerning our Vote in Politically Charged times:



  1. Artificial Intelligence

At University Health Network (UHN), the future of surgery is taking shape. Through the development of groundbreaking artificial intelligence (AI) technology, UHN is revolutionizing surgical procedures with a focus on improving precision, safety and patient outcomes.

Here is an awareness raising one hour video on the use of AI in Health Care in Toronto.


We are pleased to announce that we have an upcoming guest speaker who will be presenting the evolution of AI and how we got to where we are today.  Giancarlo Brotto will also provide some cautionary messages for our community in addition to positive messages about this reality in current technology.

How does this impact our Church you ask?

Giancarlo Brotto will be sharing the Vatican’s take on this topic.  He will be presenting at All Saints’ on Saturday, January 25, 2025, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am in our church hall.  Watch and listen for opportunities to reserve a seat.


All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for November, 2024

Perspectives on Current Events that Impact our Faith

Brought to you by:  Outreach Ministry, allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com

Access current and past recommendations here: 


This issue of ASVR will cover the following current events topics:

  • Upcoming Guest Speakers at All Saints’ - The deVeber Institute for Bioethics: Palliative Care:  The Better Choice
  • Upcoming Guest Speakerat All Saints’ - Dr. Michael W. Higgins, Why this Synod matters so Greatly: it Ushers in a New/Old World
  • Canadian Jesuits International, Webinar: Forced migration creating refugees and migrants
  • The monthly Pope Videos for September, October, November 2024
  • The Jesuit Disruptor: A personal portrait of Pope Francis by Dr. Michael W. Higgins
  • Unpacking the Synod on Synodality
  • Listening to Indigenous Voices
  • Indigenous Voices for Peace conference
  • Science and Faith with one of Toronto’s own
  • Canadians with Disabilities are Dying – Shared by CCBI


  1. The deVeber Institute for Bioethics presents at the All Saints’ Parish Hall

Palliative Care:  The Better Choice In-person lecture presented by Dr. Paul Zeni and Bob Parke, Bioethicist. Saturday, November 23, 2024, All Saints’ Church, 1415 Royal York Road,  10:30AM – 12:00PM

Register at deveber.org or email bioethics@deveber.org, or after weekend Masses starting November 9th, or request by email:  allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com   No Fee.  Voluntary Donations Welcome.

Speaking from a medical and bioethics perspective, Dr. Paul Zeni and Bob Parke discuss the many strengths of palliative care including opportunity for legacy, individualized support, and grief counseling. Dr. Zeni contrasts the broad scope of palliative care potential against the real side of MAiD - what MAiD doesn’t provide. Parke highlights the importance of advance care planning as the gift you give yourself, your loved ones, and the healthcare team.

Also from The deVeber Institute…

Echoes: Palliative Care Stories of Canada is a project dedicated to the achievements of palliative care ​from coast-to-coast. The Echoes project aims to illuminate the positive impacts of this phenomenal ​holistic care.  In sharing these stories, the deVeber institute hopes to encourage future palliative care ​endeavours and further the promise of an inclusive and enriched Canadian palliative care network. ​Here are the first six chapters:echoescanada.com

We hope to see you at All Saints’ for this presentation!


  1. Reserve your seat for our upcoming in-person presentation by

 Dr. Michael W. Higgins

Saturday, December 14, 2024

9:30 am – 11:30 am

Why this Synod matters so Greatly: it Ushers in a New/Old World

Reserve a seat after weekend Masses starting November 30, or request a seat by email

allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com   No fee.  Voluntary donations welcome.

Dr. Michael W. Higgins has been involved with investigating and expanding the Catholic

Intellectual Tradition, particularly in Canada, for over forty years. As a teacher, a writer, a

documentarian, a university president, a public speaker, an administrator and more, Higgins’

contributions to Catholic higher education have impacted the country from coast to coast and

extended beyond the country as well.

He is the author and co-author of numerous books, including many bestsellers, and some of

which have been translated into Italian, French, German and Norwegian.  They number among

them: Stalking the Holy: In Pursuit of Saint-Making, The Church Needs the Laity: the Wisdom of

John Henry Newman, The Muted Voice: Religion and the Media, Genius Born of Anguish; the

Life and Legacy of Henri J. M. Nouwen, The Jesuit Mystique, Heretic Blood: the Spiritual

Geography of Thomas Merton, Faithful Visionary: Thomas Merton, The Unquiet Monk, My

Father’s Business: the official biography of Gerald Emmett Cardinal Carter, as well as many


Dr. Higgins’ new book just came out in September 2024, through House of Anansi:

The Jesuit Disruptor: A Personal Portrait of Pope Francis. As a CBC documentarian, narrator

and researcher, he has done many programs of theological and philosophical interest

for Ideas, Celebration, Testament, and Man Alive. He is a regular contributor to The Globe and

Mail, The Literary Review of Canada, Commonweal, and The Tablet of London. Dr. Higgins is

the Basilian Distinguished Fellow of Contemporary Catholic Thought at the University of St.

Michael’s College in Toronto, and the President and Vice-Chancellor Emeritus of St. Jerome’s


He has just returned from covering the three year Synod on Synodality at the Vatican, not as a delegate, but as a journalist.

We hope to see you at All Saints’ for this presentation on December 14!


  1. Canadian Jesuits International – Webinar Recording

This powerful webinar was first presented on November 5, 2024 

Worldwide – People Fleeing War, Violence and Persecution is at Record Levels

The number of people fleeing war, violence and persecution is at record levels. Protecting the human rights of refugees and migrants is critical.  This webinar takes a look at some of the root causes of forced migration and how the politicization of refugees and migrants contributes to the undermining and violation of their human rights.  Here is the recorded webinar:



  1. Three Pope Videos, 2 minutes each

For the Cry of the Earth


🙏 “Let us pray that each of us listen with our hearts to the cry of the Earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and the climate crisis, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit.”

For a Shared Mission


The Pope calls on all faithful in whatever vocation they may have to do their best to contribute to a sense of co-responsibility in the Church.

For Those who have Lost a Child

The loss of a child may be the worst pain a father and mother can experience. There’s no word that could possibly describe such profound grief. Pope Francis asks us to join him in prayer this month precisely for those parents who have lost a child.



  1. The Jesuit Disruptor: A Personal Portrait of Pope Francis, Dr. Michael W. Higgins

This webinar was recorded on October 31, 2024. 

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the consummate disruptor, disrupting both archaic modes of church governance and our collective spiritual complacency in the face of new challenges to our human flourishing, while at the same time remaining deeply faithful to the organic traditions of the Church.



  1. Unpacking the Synod on Synodality – Sunday, Nov. 10, 2024 – 4 to 6 p.m.

St. Michael’s College School Centre for the Arts – 1515 Bathurst St.

Join us for a panel discussion to help unpack the Synod on Synodality. The three-year process of listening and dialogue, undertaken between 2021 and 2024, has garnered participation from Catholics worldwide. Moderated by Dr. Josephine Lombardi, panelists include: Sr. Nathalie Becquart, XMCJ, undersecretary of the Synod of Bishops, Archbishop J. Michael Miller CSB of Vancouver, theologians Dr. Moira McQueen and Sr. Gill Goulding, CJ. Limited tickets available – they are free but must be reserved by visiting: www.archtoronto.org/synod


  1. Listening to Indigenous Voices: A Dialogue Guide on Justice and Right Relationships

Learn about sharing circles, creation stories, maps of Indigenous territories, racism, colonization, languages, ties of kinship, Doctrine of Discovery, fur trade, missionaries, residential schools, dispossession, apologies, pathways to decolonization, re-imagining Turtle Island

Order your copy for $27.00 at https://ltiv.ca/

Listening to Indigenous Voices has been created by an editorial team from The Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice, Toronto.


  1. 2024 Voices for Peace conference – November 16/ 4 hours, 1:00PM – 5:00 PM

This is a hybrid event.  Register now to livestream the main sessions.

VOICES FOR PEACE 2024 is brought to you by:

Henri Nouwen Society | Thomas Merton Society | Citizens for Public Justice | Church of the Redeemer, Toronto | Religions for Peace | Catholics for Justice & Peace in the Holy Land | Canadian Council of Churches

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Peace: Indigenous insights for a better future

Church of the Redeemer, 162 Bloor Street West Toronto

Reserve Your Spot Now – no charg



  1. Science and Faith

(Be sure to fast forward to 20min to avoid the recorded delay time.)

Dr. Adam Hincks, S.J. is a Jesuit priest and an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, in the department of Astronomy & Astrophysics and at St. Michael's College, and he holds the Sutton Family Chair in Science, Christianity and Cultures. He is also an Adjunct Scholar of the Vatican Observatory.

Dr. Adam Hincks speaks to Dr. Guy Consolmagno, director of the Vatican Observatory.

He shares a question that he studies:  What set the original conditions of our universe?  He also shares his path to priesthood.

Listen to this interview.  Fascinating, and surprisingly, you don’t have to be a cosmologist to get a sense of what Dr. Hincks is saying!   Yes, the Catholic Church also needs scientists.

He teaches The Bible and the Bang – an interdisciplinary course at U of T.

Society of Catholic Scientists – Toronto has a local chapter.

Would anyone out there be interested in a talk on Cosmology and Creation?



  1. Canadians with Disabilities are Dying, shared by the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute

Video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbTQR2ND_Y0&authuser=0

Globe and Mail article by Ramona Coelho


CBC report



All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for September and October, 2024

Perspectives on Current Events that Impact our Faith

Brought to you by:  Outreach Ministry, allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com

Access current and past recommendations here:


This issue of ASVR will cover the following current events topics:

  • Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute
  • Stewardship Sunday, September 22, 2024
  • Raising our awareness about Canada’s Indigenous Communities
  • Windows on Theology at Regis College: Understanding Sacred Spaces via Architecture; Science, Climate Change, and Theology: A Dialogue
  • A Webinar: Conversation with a Synod Delegate and a Professor


1. A recent posting by the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute posted by Dr. Moira McQueen and Bambi Rutledge.

All postings can be found at: http://www.ccbi-utoronto.ca/category/ccbi-news/

The Cass Report:  https://cass.independent-review.uk/

Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People, United Kingdom


2. Stewardship Sunday

Stewardship Sunday is an annual occurrence across the entire Archdiocese on the 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time. As such, Stewardship Sunday in 2024 will be on September 22.

Each year, Archbishop Francis Leo prepares a message for Stewardship Sunday and asks that parishes share it at all Masses, including the Saturday Vigil Mass. The message is now available for download in video, audio, and written formats, including translations.

For written format:  https://www.archtoronto.org/siteassets/media/offices--ministries/sub-sites/parish-vitality--stewardship/stewardship-sunday/2024-homily-translations/message-of-his-grace-most-reverend-francis-leo---stewardship-sunday-2024-final.pdf

For audio format:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BD2kgC5ejBrN63S0tiNuJ6PIrgcv1ntV/view?usp=sharing

To access the library of all past Parish Vitality Webinars: https://bit.ly/PVWS-Webpage


3. Raising our awareness about Canada’s Indigenous Communities

Recognizing the Shared Sacredness of Indigenous and Catholic Traditions and Teachings (This article was posted by The Archdiocese of Toronto in June 2024 to mark National Indigenous Day.)


If you wish to receive some accreditation for your level of Indigenous Awareness, consider taking an online course called:  Bear Standing Tall: Indigenous Awareness Course, for $99.  You may take it at your own pace, starting, stopping, reviewing, and answering questions to have your new knowledge evaluated. It is a history course that takes you back to the beginning of the exploration of North America, to the present. Training focuses on:  Reconciliation, Progressive Aboriginal Relations, Diversity and Inclusion, Awareness Training. Fostering Relationships with Indigenous Peoples in Canada.


4. Windows on Theology, Regis College

Windows on Theology – Regis College’s continuous learning series – offers non-credit courses of six to eight sessions on topical issues in scripture, church history, pastoral studies, and theology. Interested members of the public of all ages and life stages are encouraged to register.

Understanding Sacred Spaces:  Every Wednesday from September 25 to October 30, 2024

presented by Roberto Chiotti, Founding Principal of Larkin Architect Limited

11:00 am to 12:45 pm. Cost $160. Dual delivery.

Architecture gives tangible, meaningful expression to a culture’s beliefs, values, hopes, and aspirations.

The Christian architecture shaping Sacred Spaces responds to external influences and the changing ways we understand our relationship to God and creation.

Participants learn to understand their places of worship and how they support or detract from the sacred and sacramental life of the parish.

This course is offered as a hybrid course. Participants who wish to attend in-person will gather in Regis College St. Joseph Chapel. Participants who wish to attend virtually will use the Zoom link provided. The Zoom link can be used for all six classes of “Understanding Sacred Spaces.” All participants will receive a Zoom conferencing link in the confirmation email and again in the weekly email reminders.

To Register:  https://regis.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/regis/eventRegistration.jsp?event=1073&

Science, Climate Change, and Theology:  A Dialogue

Every first Tuesday from October 1, 2024 to April 8, 2025

presented by Gerard Ryan, SJ, Leif Castren, John Borrows, Hilda Koster, Gordon Rixon, SJ, Desmond Buhagar, SJ, John Berkman, Michael Rozier,  SJ, Patrick James, Colleen Shantz, and Katy Tinman

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Cost $160. Dual delivery.

Explore the intricate interplay between climate change, science, and theology. Discover how these three areas of inquiry are not only critical topics of our time but also serve as powerful dialogical partners that contribute to human meaning, resilience, and the sustainability of our shared planet.

To Register:  https://regis.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/regis/eventRegistration.jsp?event=1093&


5. Conversations with a Synod Delegate with Sister Elizabeth Davis and Professor Michael Higgins,

September 17, 2024 at 4:00 pm, Registration is free. 

Sister Elizabeth will share insights from her experience at the first Synod session in Rome last fall and her interactions with diverse groups since then. She will describe her hopes for the upcoming session this October and seek attendees' input on fostering a welcoming Church, open to ecumenical, and interreligious exchange and collaboration for a more just and inclusive world.

Professor Higgins will reflect on Sister Elizabeth's insights and hopes, creating a rich, engaging dialogue.

This discussion promises to be both stimulating and enlightening, offering valuable inspiration for Sister Elizabeth as she prepares for her return to Rome and involving participants in the ongoing synodal process—a key theme of the Synod. Additionally, with Sister Elizabeth having earned her ThD from Regis College and Professor Higgins being a Basilian Distinguished Fellow at the University of St. Michael's College, this conversation reflects the deepening and fruitful relationship between Regis and St. Michael's as we advance a new vision for Catholic theological education.

Please register by clicking here


6. The deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research has launched a new website.

Echoes: Palliative Care Stories of Canada is a unique collection of uplifting stories from coast-to-coast highlighting the importance of palliative care.

Here is the website:  www.echoescanada.com  

Furthermore, the deVeber Institute will be giving a presentation at All Saints’ Parish Hall on the morning of Saturday, November 23, 2024. More information to follow.


All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for June, July & August 2024

Perspectives on Current Events that Impact our Faith

Brought to you by:  Outreach Ministry, allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com

Access current and past recommendations here:


This issue of ASVR will cover the following current events topics:

  • Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute:

Sedation in Palliative Care at End-of-Life

Infinite Dignity Parts 1,2,3

Inherent Dignity

Rehabilitative Palliative Care

Home Palliative Care:  Some Challenges

Countering the Culture of Indifference and Individualism – Working Together

  • GTA Parish Vitality Webinar Series: What are charisms?
  • Raising our awareness about Canada’s Indigenous Communities
  • A meditation on Forgiveness from Henri Nouwen
  • Pope Francis’s interview on 60 Minutes: he covers numerous current events
  • Blessed Carlo Acutis


  1. Since our last issue, here are links to recent postings by the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute posted by Dr. Moira McQueen and Bambi Rutledge.

All postings can be found at: 


CCBI News: Sedation in Palliative Care at End-of-Life


CCBI News: Dignitas Infinita Part 3


CCBI News: Dignitas Infinita (Infinite Dignity) – An Introduction


CCBI News: Infinite Dignity; AI Benefits; Palliative Care and Human Dignity


CCBI News: Inherent Dignity; Absolute Autonomy-Repercussions; Legal Rights-Moral Rightness


CCBI News: Rehabilitative Palliative Care


CCBI News: Home Palliative Care: Some Challenges


CCBI News: Countering the Culture of Indifference and Individualism—Working Together



  1. Stewardship Series: GTA Parish Vitality Webinar Series

A Catechesis on Charisms

As promised, here is a recording of the webinar from March 7, 2024, with guest presenter Bishop Scott McCaig. As stewards, God has given us many diverse gifts for the building our community.   Some, like talents, are natural gifts which can be inherited from our parents, while others, such as charisms, are spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit. As Archbishop Francis Leo preached on Stewardship Sunday, “ministering out of a charism, be it in our parish communities and other modes of communal Christian living, always energizes us, fills our daily living with joy, freedom and meaning.” As a member of the faithful who was given a new life at Baptism, do you have a God-given charism? The answer is yes you do! Join Most Reverend Scott McCaig, Bishop of the Military Ordinariate of Canada to learn more about charisms.

Please note that parishioners do not need to belong to the Charismatic prayer group in order to have Charisms:  although there is some overlap, these are two unique subjects.

Here is the link to the recorded webinar: 


In our next issue of ASVR, we hope to share the recording of:  A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Eternity (RCIA)

Registration is still possible for:  Building a Culture of Stewardship that Engages all Ages (on June 19, 2024, from 10a.m. - 11:30 a.m.)

Guest Presenter: Leisa Anslinger, Director, Catholic Life and Faith  

TO REGISTERhttps://bit.ly/PVWS-RegisterJune2024

To access the library of all past Parish Vitality Webinars: https://bit.ly/PVWS-Webpage


  1. Raising our awareness about Canada’s Indigenous Communities

Fr. Cristino Bouvette is a born and raised Albertan of mixed Cree-Métis and Italian heritage, ordained in the Diocese of Calgary in 2012. He currently serves as Vicar for Vocations and Young Adults, having helped to establish the St. Francis Xavier Chaplaincy for young adults. He oversees that growing project based out of St. Mary’s Cathedral while providing pastoral care for students across the city including those on the campus of the University of Calgary.

With the historic visit of Pope Francis to Canada in the summer of 2022, some have understandably asked how that event will spark a renewed effort on the part of the Roman Catholic Church to both reconcile its institutional past involvement with the Indian Residential School System and the wounded relations that involvement has caused with Indigenous Peoples which has ensued into the present. Fr. Cristino Bouvette speaks from his experience serving as the National Liturgical Coordinator of the Papal Visit to Canada, while of Indigenous heritage himself and the descendant of generations of residential school students. He will explore how an easily overlooked theme in the comments of Pope Francis must signal a new opportunity for the Catholic hierarchy specifically, but for all Canadians of good will to reconsider the significance of the popular phrase “we are all treaty people” while being aware of the aggressively advancing threat Indigenous Peoples face guarding their vitality, independence, and future.

Here is the link to the recording:   https://youtu.be/RQ1B-NKQMFw?si=TZGEPUpsIkumqpkC

  • Consider a visit to Toronto City Hall’s new Spirit Garden

Here is a video preview:  https://youtu.be/LX5xNWxtpJ8

  • Ontario has 31 Indigenous Friendship Centres that anyone can visit to ask questions. Find a Friendship Centre near you:  OFIFC.org
  • You may even wish to take a course called:

Bear Standing Tall: Indigenous Awareness Course, for $99.                

Training focuses on:  Reconciliation, Progressive Aboriginal Relations, Diversity and Inclusion, Awareness Training. Fostering Relationships with Indigenous Peoples in Canada

(I am currently taking the course and will share my findings in the next issue of ASVR.)


  1. A Life-long current event that repeatedly challenges us:  a message about forgiving our enemies, from the meditations of Henri Nouwen.   

Christians mention one another in their prayers (Romans 1:9; 2 Corinthians 1:11; Ephesians 6:8; Colossians 4:3), and in so doing they bring help and even salvation to those for whom they pray (Romans 15:30; Philippians 1:19). But the final test of compassionate prayer goes beyond prayers for fellow Christians, members of the community, friends, and relatives. Jesus says it most unambiguously, “I say this to you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44); and in the depth of his agony on the cross, he prays for those who are killing him, “Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). Here the full significance of the discipline of prayer becomes visible. Prayer allows us to lead into the center of our hearts not only those who love us but also those who hate us. This is possible only when we are willing to make our enemies part of ourselves and thus convert them first of all in our own hearts.


5. Pope Francis gives a rare interview on 60 Minutes on May 19, 2024.

Click on this link to hear the recording and to hear Pope Francis speak to numerous current events that impact our faith.   (Please note that advertisements are imbedded in this recording.)



  1. Pope Francis clears the path for the Canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis

After clicking on this link, you have the choice to either read the report, or listen to it by clicking on the prompt at the bottom of the article.



All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for March, April & May 2024

Perspectives on Current Events that Impact our Faith

Brought to you by:  Outreach Ministry, allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com

Access current and past recommendations here:


This issue of ASVR will cover the following current events topics: 

*   Recording of a Lenten Webinar hosted by Dr. Moira McQueen in February:  Reclaiming Redemptive Suffering

*  A recording of the webinar presented in March:  What does the Catholic Church have to say about the Conflict in Israel/Palestine?

GTA Parishes share their Modus Operandi and continued preparation for Stewardship Sunday, September 22, when Archbishop Francis Leo will prepare a homily on the impact of our parishes.

*   Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute:  Euthanasia and Mental Health

*   Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute:  Catholic Teaching on Surrogacy

*   A retreat for Adult Children of Divorce and Separation – St. Augustine’s

*  Faith Issues Today: Theology and Cinema at Regis College – a continuous learning series of lectures.


1. A Lenten Webinar: Reclaiming Redemptive Suffering

A Spiritual Approach to the Meaning of Suffering

 A recording of the webinar held on February 21st, 2024, in which speaker Erin Kinsella discusses the Catholic perspective of suffering through her research and personal experience. Hosted by Dr Moira McQueen.

Link to Video (1 hour)  https://youtu.be/5iwV87jPynA


  1. What does the Catholic Church have to say about the Conflict in Israel/Palestine?

 The events that began with the massacre of Israelis on October 7, 2023, caught the world unawares. Is there still a hope of a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has dragged on for so many decades?

 Here is the recording of the webinar (90 minutes):  https://youtu.be/j8Wv1BP9guY?si=B0fP7YuURXKPgPvE


  1. Stewardship Treasure Hunt: GTA Parish Vitality Webinars series 

Here are some excellent ideas and resources shared at the “Stewardship Treasure Hunt” webinar in February.  GTA parish panelists from Holy Family Parish (Whitby), Holy Rosary Parish (Toronto), St. Barnabas Parish (Scarborough), and St. Mark’s Parish (Stouffville) shared how they manage the needs of their parishes.   Below you will find links to the presentation and other resources.  

Recording: https://bit.ly/PVWS-VideoFeb2024

Presentation pdf: https://bit.ly/PVWS-SlidesFeb2024

Resources pdf (Giving Guide from Holy Rosary Parish):        


To access the library of all past Parish Vitality Webinars: https://bit.ly/PVWS-Webpage

In our next issue of ASVR, we hope to share the recording of the March webinar on Special Charisms.

Here are the next two Stewardship webinars for which you can register:

A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Eternity (RCIA) (on May 9, 2024, from 10a.m. - 11:30 a.m.)

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the Church’s blueprint for embarking on the Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all nations.” As each new generation of Catholics sets sail on the vast sea of human existence, the RCIA stands as a trusted boarding ramp for adults to enter into the Church as she picks up souls along life’s journey and steers them towards the heavenly harbour of eternal salvation. Increase your parish vitality by registering today!*

Guest Presenter: Michelle Brylowski, Assoc. Director, RCIA & Liturgical Formation, Office of Formation for Discipleship

TO REGISTERhttps://bit.ly/PVWS-RegisterMay2024

Building a Culture of Stewardship that Engages all Ages (on June 19, 2024, from 10a.m. - 11:30 a.m.)

Engaging people to live as disciples and grow as good stewards is most effective when the culture of the parish imbues the spirit of stewardship. Such a culture not only touches people spiritually and practically, it also fosters parish life that is filled with vitality and joy. Explore ways to build a culture of stewardship now and for the future. Register today!

Guest Presenter: Leisa Anslinger, Director, Catholic Life and Faith  

TO REGISTERhttps://bit.ly/PVWS-RegisterJune2024


  1. Since our last issue, here are recent postings by the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute posted by Dr. Moira McQueen and Bambi Rutledge.

The following articles can all be found at: 


CCBI News: Euthanasia and Mental Health; Dr Rory Fisher Remembered


CCBI News: Catholic Teaching on Surrogacy



  1. Life-Giving Wounds: A Healing Retreat for Adult Children of Divorce or Separation

Friday, April 26, 2024 07:00 PM - Sunday, April 28, 2024 03:30 PM

St. Augustine’s Seminary, 2661 Kingston Rd., Scarborough

This healing retreat is offered for adult children of separated and divorced parents. The Life-Giving Wounds retreat invites participants to move through the broken image of love that appeared to them in their parents’ relationship to their deepest origin and identity as God’s beloved, capable of great love. Must be 18 or older to attend. Cost: $290 per person ($190 for students), which includes meals, lodging, and retreat material. If cost is of concern, please contact lgwtoronto@proton.me; limited subsidies are available. For university/college students, contact your campus minister for more information. Space is limited. To register, visit https://bit.ly/LGW-TO-Retreat-Register2024. For more information, please email lgwtoronto@proton.mePOSTER: https://bit.ly/LGW-Toronto-Retreat-Flyer-2024


  1. Faith Issues Today

Beginning Monday, April 8, Adelmo Dunghe, S.J. will again offer a cinema course in the Regis College Faith Issues Today Continuous Learning Series. In Postcolonial Theology and Cinema, Adelmo will explore the emerging discipline of decolonizing theology and address some of the challenges posed by contemporary Third World Theologians and Christianity’s historical relationship with transnational empires.

The course involves viewing and discussing films for six Mondays, from April 8 to May 13, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The course costs $160 and is offered in person only.

For more information, a preliminary listing of the films, and registration, please visit https://regiscollege.ca/academics/faith-issues-today/


All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for February 2024

Perspectives on Current Events that Impact our Faith

Brought to you by:  Outreach Ministry, allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com

Access current and past recommendations here:



This issue of ASVR will cover the following current events topics:

* The Evolution of Catholic Moral Theology from its origins to today

* The Parish Vitality Webinar Series for February 2024

* Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute: Gender Identity Part 3

* Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute: Gender Dysphoria Part 4

* A consideration as we approach Lent, 2024

* Pope Francis on Health Care and February 11, World Day of the Sick

* Called to be Fruitful – The Henri Nouwen Society, plans for Prison Ministry

* What does the Catholic Church have to say about the conflict in Israel/Palestine?

* Local Mental Health Service (repeat)

* Society of St. Vincent de Paul (repeat)

* The legacy of Manny Poulo, SSVP, All Saints’ Conference


1. A thought-provoking talk by Rev. Dr. Mark Miller, CCSR, on The Changing Face of Catholic Moral Theology.

"We Know the Thou Shall Nots but What Shall We Do?"

This talk was given at St. Mark’s College, The Catholic College at the University of British Columbia, at the Centre for Christian Engagement on December 9, 2023. The video recording is 1 hour and 21 minutes in length.  https://youtu.be/tRYAGdwvspw?si=d5f_bwQ5z0Z4_GbW  

2. The Parish Vitality Webinar Series returns! 

In recognition of the wonderful work parishes in the Archdiocese of Toronto are doing to engage their parishioners, the series will feature engaging speakers on practical topics of interest related to parishioner engagement.

Stewardship Treasure Hunt (on February 8, 2024, from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.)

No need to pack your bags for the largest stewardship conference in North America – we went for you! Each year, the International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC) hosts a grand event with thought provoking speakers, sage advice, and dynamic ideas all designed to help increase parish vitality. Join our dedicated group of GTA parishes as

they bring back a carefully curated treasure trove of stewardship ideas just for you. Whether you’re a seasoned stewardship pro or just starting your journey, this webinar is your map to the Stewardship Treasure Hunt. Register today and let the hunt begin!

Guest Presenters: Parish representatives from Holy Family (Whitby), Holy Rosary (Toronto), St. Barnabas (Scarborough), and St. Mark’s (Stouffville)

Moderator: Quentin Schesnuik, Assoc. Director, Parish Vitality & Stewardship, Office of Formation for Discipleship

TO REGISTER: https://bit.ly/PVWS-RegisterFeb2024 

3. Since our last issue, here are recent postings by the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute posted by Dr. Moira McQueen and Bambi Rutledge.

The following articles can all be found at: http://www.ccbi-utoronto.ca/category/ccbi-news/ 

CCBI News: Gender Identity – Part 3 https://www.ccbi-utoronto.ca/2023/12/01/ccbi-news-gender-identity-part-3/#:~:text=CCBI%20News%3A%20Gender%20Identity%20%E2%80%93%20Part%203 

CCBI News: Gender Dysphoria – Part 4 https://www.ccbi-utoronto.ca/2023/12/08/ccbi-news-gender-dysphoria-part-4/ 

4. Two thoughts to consider as we approach Lent: 

From the editor of Living with Christ, Natalia Kononenko

….. the traditional spiritual practices of Lent – prayer, fasting and almsgiving – also pave our hearts and minds for the Paschal Mystery – the journey of Jesus' passion, death and resurrection. Find your own unique way of practising these key Lenten pillars. Try something new. Perhaps a different way of praying. Learn about the significance and benefits (spiritual and physical) of fasting. Find a way to practice almsgiving in a fresh way – not only by donating your money, but also by sharing your time, talent, skill, services or resources with those in need. But before you even begin your Lenten pilgrimage, ask God to guide your journey – that it may bear good fruit at the end of the road.

Shared by Fr. Bob, Pastor, St. John & St. Cornelius Parish

“A pastor of a small church would occasionally call on one gentleman to pray, and every time this one particular guy would pray, he would pray, “Oh God, thank you for this world today, and bless these people today.” Then he would end with the strangest statement, “And, oh God, oh Lord, prop us up on our leaning side.” Finally, the pastor pulled him aside, and he said, “I love the way you pray, but I don’t understand your little closing phrase. What are you talking about – prop us up on our leaning side?” He responded, “Well, Pastor, I’m a farmer. I live out on the farm and, you know, I live in the country. I’ve got an old barn, and it’s been there a long time. It’s been through a lot of weather, and a lot of storms, and a lot of bugs have eaten at it.” He said, “I got to looking at it one day when I was riding on my tractor, and I noticed that it was leaning to one side. So, I thought to myself, oh my goodness! The barn is leaning, and it’s only a matter of time before the whole thing falls.” He continued. “So you know what I did? I went and got some pine beams, and I propped it up on its leaning side.” He said, “It still leans, and probably always will. But I propped it up. And it’s not going to fall down because I propped it up. And I got to thinking about it. When I was on the tractor, Pastor, and I was riding in the field, I thought about the kind of year I’ve had, and some of the storms I’ve been through, and some of the people that are bugging me, and eating away at my joy and eating away at my spirit. And I just got to thinking, you know, I’m still here! I’m still standing after all that stuff I’ve been through. The storms, and the howling winds – they couldn’t topple me. I’m still standing by the grace of God.” He concluded, “From time to time, I find myself leaning. Leaning toward my old desires, leaning toward anger, leaning toward becoming bitter or hateful at the people who are bugging me, or leaning toward going back to the old habits and the old life I used to have. And when I feel myself start leaning toward that tendency, I just remember that old barn, and I pray out loud on my tractor – “Lord, I thank you that you’re going to prop me up on my leaning side.” Despite the long cold days of winter and all the struggles with life, we can also pray: “Lord, I thank you that you’re going to prop me up on my leaning side!”

5. Health care is a universal right, not a luxury, Pope Francis says

Vatican City — January 17, 2023 

Health care is not a luxury, it is a right that belongs to everyone, Pope Francis told health care workers. "A world that rejects the sick, that does not assist those who cannot afford care, is a cynical world with no future. Let us always remember this: health care is not a luxury, it is for everyone," the pope said.

The pope was speaking Jan. 16 with members of an Italian federation of professional associations of technicians and specialists working in the fields of radiology, rehabilitation and preventative medicine.

He expressed his deep gratitude for their work, especially during the pandemic. "Without your commitment and effort many people who were ill would not have been looked after," he said. "Your sense of duty inspired by the power of love enabled you to serve others, even putting your own health at risk."

In a world marked by a throwaway culture, the health professionals promote a culture of care, embodied in the good Samaritan, who does not look the other way, but approaches and helps a person in need with compassion, the pope said.

People who are ill are "asking to be cared for and to feel cared for, and that is why it is important to engage with them with humanity and empathy" along with meeting the highest professional standards, he said.

However, he added, people working in the field of health care also need people to care for them, too. That kind of care must come "through recognition of your service, protection of proper working conditions and involvement of an appropriate number of caregivers, so that the right to health care is recognized for everyone," he said.

Every country must actively seek "strategies and resources in order to guarantee each person's fundamental right to basic and decent health care," he said, quoting this year's message for the World Day of the Sick, to be celebrated Feb. 11.

6. Called to be Fruitful – A foundational message of the Henri Nouwen Society 

Here is a recording of the special evening that marked the legacy & retirement of Karen Pascal, featuring Sr. Sue Mosteller, Brian Stiller, Daniel Cho, Steve Bell, Stacey Campbell, and more...

Learn about plans for a new Prison Ministry planned for 2024. Upon discovering that most prisoners had ineffective or absent fathers, this ministry has adopted Henri’s insights from The Prodigal Son. Such an inspiration. It was recorded at Toronto’s Tyndale University, in the Chaple designed by the Sisters of St. Joseph. This recording is 1 hr, 30 minutes. 


7. What does the Catholic Church have to say about the Conflict in Israel/Palestine?

A webinar: March 2024

Here is the poster. Registration is free.  https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=761e8ed9ab&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-f:1788459549019342165&th=18d1e27bf2740555&view=att&disp=inline 

8. Reconnect Mental Health Service (repeated)

Reconnect Community Health Services is a not-for-profit health service organization in the west end of Toronto. Its services include supports for seniors, caregivers, and people living with mental health and addictions concerns.

Click on this link to hear a 5-minute video about Reconnect and to find their contact information.  https://www.reconnect.on.ca/about 

9. St. Vincent de Paul Store and Warehouse in Etobicoke (repeated) 60 Newcastle Street (Royal York & Evans) 

Whether you want to help a neighbour in need, or you are a neighbour in need, find out what they have to offer by clicking on this link.  https://ssvp.on.ca/en/stores2.php?store=36 

10. Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP), All Saints’ Conference. 

At a memorial Mass on January 11, we remembered the life and service of our dear parishioner Manny Poulo who left us one year ago.

Since then, some of us have been learning about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Manny’s ministry for 40 years. What an incredible organization and what a learning curve! We continue to be grateful for the pathways that Manny singlehandedly opened for us, and we hope to continue to serve our community. With Fr. Andrzej’s support, we have set up a new phone-in system for our Neighbours in Need. They simply call the parish number and enter Extension 6.

They are asked to leave their name, number and address. This message is now sent electronically to the new team of volunteers who then check the address to ensure it is in our catchment, and then we call to determine next steps in preparation for our visit. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul requires us to visit neighbours in need at their homes.

Our community generously donated via the SSVP envelope collection and then again with numerous grocery gift cards at Christmas.

The grocery gift cards are shared with our Parish Council, The Knights of Columbus, and with SSVP.

We have plans for 2024 that will be shared. Stay tuned for more about our continued service. On behalf of our Neighbours in Need, thank you to all who have donated to SSVP in the past and to all who plan to donate in the future.


All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for December 2023 & January 2024

Perspectives on Current Events that Impact our Faith

Brought to you by:  Outreach Ministry, allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com

Access current and past recommendations here:



This issue of ASVR will cover the following current events topics:

*The Vatican Observatory Foundation:  Advent, Science and our Church

*Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute:  Organ Donation after Euthanasia

*Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute:  Gender Dysphoria

*Course: Walking with a Wounded World, Regis, St. Michael’s Faculty of Theology

*Our Lady of Sorrows, Parish Hall, Insights on Wellness, Catholic Family Services

*Art and Faith:  A Theology of Making

*Neighbours in Need in Etobicoke:  A mental health service & a St. Vincent de Paul store


  1. An Advent Message, from the Vatican Observatory

Happy Advent! https://mailchi.mp/vaticanobservatory/december-2023-newsletter-no1 

The Pope’s Astronomer, Br. Guy Consolmagno S.J., Director of the Vatican Observatory

13 minute video  https://youtu.be/o3eqYbKVYC0

  1. Since our last issue, here are recent postings by the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute posted by Dr. Moira McQueen and Bambi Rutledge.

The following articles can all be found at:  http://www.ccbi-utoronto.ca/category/ccbi-news/

CCBI News: Organ Donation after Euthanasia (MAID) Ethical Questions https://www.ccbi-utoronto.ca/2023/10/23/ccbi-news-organ-donation-after-euthanasia-maid-ethical-questions/

CCBI News: Catholic Facilities—No to MAID: Church Teaching on Cooperation in Evil


CCBI News: Gender Dysphoria (Gender Identity Disorder)


CCBI News: Gender Dysphoria Part 2


  1. Windows on Theology, Continuous Learning Series

Regis, St. Michael’s Faculty of Theology

Walking with a Wounded World

Susan K. Wood, SCL

Professor of Systemic Theology

Course is offered both in person and online, $160 pp

It will run Wednesdays from January 24 to February 28, 11:00 am to 12:45 pm

For more information and to register, click on this link  https://regiscollege.ca/academics/windows-on-theology/

  1. Insights on Wellness

Senior Mental Health Workshops at Our Lady of Sorrows

In the Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Hall, on Wednesdays at 10 to 11:30 am, no cost

Call or text Anne Marie at 416-559-9455 or email her at Anzures64@hotmail.com.

Presented by Catholic Family Services of Toronto

January 17                     Mending and repairing relationships with family/friends

January 31                     Living/ending well – handling pain and suffering

February 7                     Love is in the air / communicating love and connection

  1. Make yourself a cup of tea, get comfortable, and just listen to this 45-minute podcast.

It is a work of art, by an artist.

Karen Pascal of the Henri Nouwen Society interviews this leading contemporary artist and cultural influencer, Makoto Fujimura.  His art and writing embody themes of healing, hope and redemption. The world’s darkest hours have produced some of the most renown and transcendent artists.  Mako shares his deep faith, his Japanese life experience, and his vision of what artists have to offer the Church.  Pope Francis met with Makoto and his wife, Haejin Shim Fujimura, CEO of Embers International – an organization that rescues victims of human trafficking.  They had a private 30-minute visit in the Pope’s residence.  Hear the Pope’s parting message to them.


  1. Reconnect Mental Health Service

Reconnect Community Health Services is a not-for-profit health service organization in the west end of Toronto.  Its services include supports for seniors, caregivers, and people living with mental health and addictions concerns.

Click on this link to hear a 5-minute video about Reconnect and to find their contact information. https://www.reconnect.on.ca/about

  1. Vincent de Paul Store and Warehouse in Etobicoke

60 Newcastle Street (Royal York & Evans)

Whether you want to help a neighbour in need, or you are a neighbour in need, find out what they have to offer by clicking on this link.  https://ssvp.on.ca/en/stores2.php?store=36


All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for October & November 2023

Perspectives on Current Events that Impact our Faith

Brought to you by: Outreach Ministry, allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com 

Access current and past recommendations here:



This issue of ASVR will cover the following current events topics:

*Truth and Reconciliation

*Bioethics: The Opioid Crisis and Organ Donation, CCBI News

*Bioethics: Pregnancy Journey and Perinatal Palliative Care, deVeber Institute

*Food Insecurity and Homelessness: St. Vincent de Paul and Second Harvest

*Poverty and Social Justice

*Coping with Disasters and Violent Events

*Food Banks in our area


1. In July 2022, Pope Francis embarked on a ‘penitential pilgrimage’ to Canada. The visit was focused on healing and reconciliation with Canada’s Indigenous peoples. Saint Patrick’s Wildfield (Brampton) had the honour of welcoming Father Cristino Bouvette who was the national liturgical director for this Papal Visit.

Father Cris is of mixed heritage: Italian through his mother who originated from Molise, and Metis and Cree through his father. Both his Indigenous grandmother, “Kokum”, who also attended a residential school, and his Italian grandmother, “Nonna”, were key inspirations for his vocation to Catholic priesthood.

Here is a recording of the talk he gave at St. Patrick’s on September 23, 2023. (34 minutes)



2. Since our last issue, here are recent postings by the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute posted by Dr. Moira McQueen.

The following articles can all be found at: http://www.ccbi-utoronto.ca/category/ccbi-news/ 

CCBI News: Ethical questions, health care: addictions, the opioid/fentanyl crisis, deaths

CCBI News: Pope Francis and Dr Lam—Practical Actions in the Opioid Crisis, Decriminalization, Naloxone, Safe Supply and Closeness to Those Suffering

CCBI News: Organ Donation

CCBI News: Organ Donation 2—Ethical Concerns, Extraordinary/Ordinary Means, Death—Organ Retrieval; Revised Guideline Canada


3. The deVeber Institute of Bioethics will be hosting a free online two-night lecture series on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 and on Tuesday, November 7, 2023:

The links below include both a description and a registration link.

October 24: Dr. Pritchard and Dr. Zeni on journeying with women through pregnancy. In this lecture, two doctors will share their experiences and wisdom caring for pregnant women from varied backgrounds, circumstances, and experiences. We will glimpse the work of two individuals guided by their faith, life affirming values, and overwhelming commitment to their patients.


November 7: Dr. Thomas Bouchard on supporting families through perinatal palliative care. In this lecture, Dr. Bouchard will share stories and images from the families he has supported in Perinatal Hospice care — highlighting the guiding role of a family doctor and reminding us all of the beauty of a life, no matter how short.



4. Food Insecurity and Homelessness initiatives

Share Life and Society of St. Vincent de Paul: Feeding the Hungry Together – Video, 1 hour https://archtoronto.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ab038f046fbd2e7f0abd6001c&id=86af197ceb&e=e0fdec4e11

Here are some Emergency Housing Links offered by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul: https://svdptoronto.org/wp/get-help/emergency-housing/ 

Second Harvest has completed its series of five videos on “Canada’s Invisible Food Network and Wasted Opportunity” All five recordings are now available at this link: https://www.secondharvest.ca/resources/resource-library 


5. Poverty, housing and social justice: The urgent need to correct health inequities

Thursday, November 2 from 1:00pm to 2:15pm ET

Gary Bloch is a family physician with St. Michael’s Hospital and Inner City Health Associates, and an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto. His clinical, program innovation, education, research, policy and advocacy interests focus on the intersection between primary care, health equity and the social determinants of health. He is a co-founder of the physician homeless services group Inner City Health Associates and the advocacy group Health Providers Against Poverty.

Register here: https://rtoero.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3kIg3MCYTIOkpnESpjuCOQ 


6. Coping with Disasters, Emergencies, Violent Events

This video was produced by the Canadian Psychological Association in 2022 in response to the war in Ukraine.

The messages apply now as well, as we watch the continuing images of destruction in Israel and in Gaza. (3 minutes)



7. Food Banks in our All Saints’ area

Please share this information with our All Saints’ community as needed.

In some cases, users are required to register with Daily Bread before accessing this service. These food banks below will be marked with an *.

Register with Daily Bread at this link: https://dailybread.link2feed.ca/ 

- *Jane Alliance, 909 Jane Street, Wednesdays 12-4, Rockcliffe & Smythe, 416 249 6742

- *Toronto Perth Adventist Church, 220 Bethridge Road, Thursdays 1-3, Hwy 27 & Rexdale

- Coopermills Food Bank, 4020 Dundas St W, Thursdays 2-6, Commercial Plaza, Drop-In

- Kingsview Adventist Food Bank, 70 Kingsview Blvd, Wednesdays 2:30 – 5:30, Drop-In

- Westway Church, 6 Kilburn Place, Tuesdays 5-7, 416 247 1922, By Appointment Only

- Weston Area Emergency Support, Central United Church, Tuesdays and Fridays 8:30 – 11, 416 247 3737, Serves only catchment area bounded by Royal York, Hwy 401, Dundas, & Black Creek, By Appointment Only


All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for June & July 2023

Perspectives on Current Events that Challenge our Faith

Brought to you by:  allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com

Access current and past recommendations here:


  1. Our Two-Part Series in April, End-of-Life Matters, presented by Dr. Moira McQueen was a success. Despite some torrential rain, we expect that all who participated, took away valuable insights.  Subsequent to this series, we have been following the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute’s media postings.

Three days ago, Archbishop Leo, Cardinal Collins and many of the book’s contributors were present for the official book launch that was held at University of St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto.  Our All Saints’ participants had access to this book since it had just been shipped fresh off the press:  Catholic Bioethics:  A Twenty-Year Perspective.

Thanks again, Dr. McQueen, for raising our awareness so eloquently and with such heart.

  1. Here are some of the postings by the CCBI since Dr. McQueen’s presentation at All Saints’. The following articles can all be found at:  http://www.ccbi-utoronto.ca/category/ccbi-news/

CCBI News_Costs of Palliative Care: Hospital Acute and Palliative Units; Rural v Urban: Home Care

CCBI News_MAID/euthanasia in detail, terminal illness not required; widening access-mature minors; Church teaching; what to do

CCBI News_MAID/euthanasia in detail, terminal illness not required; widening access-mature minors; Church teaching; what to do

CCBI News _ Psychiatric Compliance with MAID; Mental Health Ministry

CCBI News_Access to Palliative Care

  1. As shared in April, Second Harvest is producing a series of five videos that shed light on “Canada’s Invisible Food Network and Wasted Opportunity”

Here are recordings for parts 1,2 and 3. https://www.secondharvest.ca/resources/resource-library

4. Documentary Video “In-Visibles”: Strength of African women shining in hardship – a Vatican ViewPoint. 11 minutes


5. Emotions, a practical map for your inner journey, by José Sanchez – based on the ariticle “My Examen Cheat Sheet” by Lisa Kelly. 


         The link below will provide you with a copy of the feelings wheel that is featured in the article.


  1. Canadian Jesuits International Executive director Jenny Cafiso addresses poverty, inequality, forcibly displaced children, international aid and public funding for education - these are some of the issues currently being tackled by CJI in South Sudan, Colombia, Syria, Lebanon and the Amazon.  This 90 minute talk and video was shared live on May 30 and the recording is provided via the link below.

The global commitment to provide universal, inclusive and equitable education by 2030 faces significant challenges, as outlined by Pope Francis in his State of the World address on 9 January 2023. In this crucial time, the Jesuits of Canada and their partners work for justice in education, in line with the Universal Apostolic Preferences and the mission of the Society of Jesus. Join Jenny Cafiso, executive director of Canadian Jesuits International, as she discusses education as a human right, focusing on girls' education as part of the "Education: Her right, our future" campaign. Drawing from Jenny's travels to India and Nepal, as well as the work of Canadian Jesuits International's partners in the Global South, learn how our response must be spiritual, political and structural.

Empowering a New Generation:  Girls’ education as a Path to Global Change


 7. When our relationship with our dad is difficult it can complicate our ability to connect to the Father’s love. This interview with Arthur Boers, the author of “Shattered”, navigates the complex terrain of fear and love, shame and forgiveness in the face of generational cycles of rage and violence.  Consider this podcast if you could use some healing in this area on Father’s Day.  34 minutes



All Saints’ Virtual and In-Person Recommendations for April 2023

Perspectives on Current Events that Challenge our Faith

Brought to you by:  allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com

1. Finally!! Our first post-pandemic In-Person Guest Speaker event is set.

Where: All Saints’ Church Hall, 1415 Royal York Road

The topic: End-of-Life Matters, Palliative Care, MAiD, and more.

Our Guest Speaker: Dr. Moira McQueen, Executive Director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute.

The two-part series dates: Saturday, April 22 and Saturday April 29, 2023.

The time: 9:30 am to 11:30 am, including a short coffee/tea break and questions.

How to reserve your spot: In-person after weekend Masses, In-person at parish office, by calling 416 244 3066 ext. 0, or by emailing us at allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com – just share an email address if you have one, the number of seats you require, the names of those attending, and your parish.

Poster: https://bit.ly/EndOfLifeMattersPoster 


2. Climate Crisis: Finding Hope through a Trinitarian View of Creation

This webinar was presented in February and March 2023.

Contemplative Ecology – Enjoy Fr. John McCarthy, SJ.’s reflections on the awe and wonder of Ecology.

Around the globe, people are increasingly worried about their future, indeed, the future of all life on Earth. Why should we be concerned? How can we take meaningful action? Contemplative ecology, based on Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si', offers a way to rediscover the mystery of the Trinity in Creation and become agents of hope-filled change.

Here are the recordings:

https://youtu.be/C2BdA36EG80  Part One 1hour, 31 minutes

https://youtu.be/mQzPAGU9CFc  Part Two 1hour, 29 minutes


3. Ignatian Interiority for Stronger Living

Spiritual Resilience – “a very interesting time to be a person of faith….”

St. Mark’s College at UBC - an insightful lecture by Fr. Casey C. Beaumier, SJ (PhD in United States religious history), Vice President and University Secretary of Boston College on spiritual exercises – a profound reflection on “a stronger and more resilient way of moving forward in life”, “hovering between heaven and earth”.

This presentation was recorded at UBC in February 2023. https://youtu.be/31nWx71OkYk 


4. Canada's Invisible Food Network and Wasted Opportunity

A five-part series produced by Second Harvest

Did you know that 124,000 tractor truckloads of surplus edible food go to waste each year? Meanwhile, 1 in 6 Canadians experiences food insecurity and Canada has 4 times more food charities than grocery stores.

Register to view these webinars (the first was aired on March 21, but there are 4 more) to better understand food insecurity and learn what you can do to reduce the impact of food waste. You’ll have the information you need to make lasting changes in your community.



5. Love will find a way – L’Arche Canada


L’Arche is kicking off spring 2023 with the new L’Arche music video “Love Will Find a Way” featuring L’Arche communities in Canada as well as L’Arche in the US, the UK and Honduras! “Love Will Find a Way” is a celebration of the way the L’Arche community life is springing back! As they return to in-person community activities—in ways that preserve everyone’s health—they are inviting us to support them. They believe that love will find a way in this new season in the life of their communities. This very special song was written and composed by Wyndham Thiessen from L'Arche Saskatoon with help from Guillaume Richard, Elisabeth Richard, and Éric Chartier.

L'Arche has been providing a home for people with intellectual disabilities since 1964, at the first home in Paris. In 1969, the second L’Arche was opened in Richmond Hill, Ontario on a 13 acre farm and soon became a dynamic example of how people of different intellectual capacity, religion, and culture can live and learn together. From these humble roots, L’Arche grew quickly. Today there are 149 L’Arche communities and 14 projects in 37 countries around the world.



6. On Salt and Light TV, I watched Pope Francis greet a group of Buddhists at the Vatican and an hour later I came across this Podcast shared by the Henri Nouwen Society. Can you be a Christian and a Buddhist at the same time? I was intrigued by Robert’s and Henri’s relationship. Throw your guilt and your shame into the furnace…..find out what Robert A. Jonas means by this by listening to this Podcast entitled: Jesus, Buddha, and Henri Nouwen. These 42 minutes may lead to meditation, or contemplation, or profound discernment – how do these terms differ? In any case, it is a very interesting and insightful discussion. https://henrinouwen.org/listen/robert-a-jonas-2/ 


All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for February and March 2023

1. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023.

Here is a Lenten video reflection on Fasting and Abstinence During Lent, with Richard Leonard, SJ. https://youtu.be/J8pAi-ua_vk 

2. Lent - 40 days, or more? This resource answers some FAQ’s


3. Climate Crisis A webinar in two parts:

Wednesday, February 22, 2023, 07:00 PM and Wednesday, March 1, 2023 07:00 PM

Around the globe, people are increasingly worried about their future, indeed, the future of all life on Earth. Why should we be concerned? How can we take meaningful action? Contemplative ecology, based on Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si', offers a way to rediscover the mystery of the Trinity in Creation and become agents of hope-filled change. Join Fr. John McCarthy, SJ, a researcher at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario with advanced degrees in Theology and a PhD in Boreal Forest Ecology, as he introduces this concept. Fr. McCarthy will explore how our faith can inform our relationship with the natural world and suggest ways to rebuild, restore, and renew our planet. A recording of the webinar will be shared with registered participants 72 hours after the even.

To Register for this free two-part series, click on this link: https://jesuites.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d0d84250fca44ea9324199f66&id=167bfbe114&e=10cd62893d 

4. The Key to Happiness – The Beatitudes

A recent sermon by Bishop Barron -- A Lenten Guide https://youtu.be/m6245-7y9vo 

5. "PEACEWORK" Featuring Martin Sheen & Fr. John Dear

Often our collective wishes for “Peace on Earth, good will to all” are expressed at Christmas. But for these two life long peace activists, their willingness to commit to working for peace and non-violence is the cornerstone of their faith. THE HENRI NOUWEN SOCIETY celebrated Advent in December with a disarming (pun intended!), in-depth conversation with actor Martin Sheen and Fr. John Dear. MARTIN SHEEN - award-winning actor and vocal advocate for equity and justice, who has been arrested over 60 times for nonviolent acts of civil disobedience; FATHER JOHN DEAR -- a Catholic priest, peace activist, lecturer, and author who has been arrested 85 times in acts of nonviolent civil disobedience against war, injustice, poverty, nuclear weapons and environmental destruction; and host KAREN PASCAL, Executive Director of the Henri Nouwen Society. Listen to this candid exchange. 1 hour.


6. Dynamic Women of Faith Special Announcement

Dynamic Women of Faith - Catholic Women’s Conference (In person)

Click on this link for more information and to Register for the DWF Conference,

Saturday, March 25, 2023

At The Old Mill, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Opening Mass 9:00 am, celebrated by Most Rev. Robert Kasun, CSB, Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto


Other guest speakers include:

Sr. Deirdre Byrne, Dr. Josephine Lombardi, Diana Filipiak, Kasia Ryba,

Sandra Wojcik, Dorothy Pilarski


All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for December 2022 and January 2023

1.  A reflection on the Third Sunday of Advent, December 11


Joy to the World!

2.  All Oppression Shall Cease: 

Facts and Falsehoods about Slavery and the Catholic Church

In what ways can religion be used to liberate instead of oppress?  How do we come to terms with our history of slaveholding and oppression?  In this webinar, Fr. Chris Kellerman, SJ, will take you through a basic history of the Church’s teachings and actions on slavery and provide some steps for how we can reconcile with our past as a Church.

December 13, 2022 07:00 PM

Click on this link to Register for this free webinar: 


3.  What you need to know about Advent – presented by students of St. Augustine’s Seminary

A one hour recording with insightful and practical suggestions - a beautiful, honest talk.

The Season of Advent is here and, before we know it, the entire world will be celebrating Christmas once again. While Advent is the start of a new liturgical year, it has evolved to become many different things for different people. We may ask: what is the real meaning of Advent? How can I allow this season to bring me closer to God? Am I doing it right? This is the perfect time to learn, reflect, and prepare our heart and minds for a deeper celebration of Advent.


Here are some links to resources related to the discussion:

Abandonment to Divine Providence by Jean Pierre de Caussade

Apostolic Letter from Pope Francis on the importance of the Nativity scene

4.  “Repair my Church: Pope Francis as Carpenter”

Wednesday, January 11 to Wednesday, February 15, 2023 –11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. EST. Regis College, 100 Wellesley St. West. 

Regis College has relaunched its non-credit Windows on Theology Continuous Learning Series. Beginning January 11th, Professor Susan K. Wood, SCL will present "Repair my Church": Pope Francis as Carpenter. 

For six Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., the course will explore Pope Francis's vision of a missionary church. The course is offered both in-person at Regis College and online via Zoom videoconferencing. All are welcome.

COST: $150   CONTACT: Regis College   PHONE: 416-922-5474 ext. 231   EMAIL: regis.development@utoronto.ca   WEBSITE: https://regiscollege.ca/academics/windows-on-theology/  

5.  The Church faces numerous challenges to her identity.

The Jesuits of Canada and Fr. Tom Rosica, CSB, and a former All Saints’ guest speaker, will share how the Gospel of Matthew can help us discern and take the wide-angle view of salvation history. This could give us perspective on our own lives and the courage to re-imagine the Church today.
Matthew wrote his account of Jesus for a Jewish Christian community that had identified itself with the Jewish origins of Christianity. The Jewish Christian community found itself having to work with interested Gentile converts who had no experience of Judaism. Matthew helped the Jewish Christian community forge a new self-understanding. Our times are no different than Matthew’s. Matthew had the gift to go to the margins, as Pope Francis calls us, and re-imagine the church of Jesus Christ. 
Jan 17, 2023, 07:00 PM

Click on this link to Register for this free webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/1216692337996/WN_rbezAwnCQDKhoG2oR3ZHSw 

6.  Horizons of Hope: A Toolkit for Parishes to better understand Palliative Care


Expect to hear more from us on this initiative sponsored by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.

All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for October and November 2022

  1. Indigenous Peoples, Reconciliation and the Catholic Church

 Thursday, October 27, 2022, at 7:00 pm

In this webinar, Wiikwemkoong First Nation Elder Rosella Kinoshameg, DOS and the Jesuits’ Assistant for justice, ecology, and Indigenous Relations Fr. Peter Bisson, SJ, will reflect on the relationship between the Catholic Church and Indigenous communities, Pope Francis’ recent visit to Canada and its implications. What could be next steps towards truth, healing and reconciliation? How are we to continue to walk on the wider journey of reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples?

Register for this free event: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/5316626681969/WN_xjj_u7FlTi-9p_yInFVFOw

  1. Identity in Catholic Social Teaching

Recorded in August 2022 and produced by Catholic Conscience, Dr. Josephine Lombardi and Fr. Kevin Belgrave reflect on the topic of identity in Catholic social teaching.  (1 hr, 33 min)

“Fear is a big driver when it comes to identity and identity politics. If I’m feeling insecure about myself and about what I’m feeling and how other people see me, it’s going to create a fearful attitude. So it’s important to encourage people to feel, but to be aware of what’s informing the feeling...then we can check it with reason.””               — Dr Lombardi

“In the past, life was like a train. It had a track, and you knew the stops. It might go slow, or fast, but you knew the path of life. Now, life is more like a sailboat. You’re told you can go wherever you want, that the sky’s the limit. This leaves us vulnerable and struggling for identity.            — Fr Kevin          

We are at one and the same time unique individuals and members of a class or group.  To what extent do the characteristics of the group apply to us as individuals?   How does being attentive to the identity of others help us come closer to a greater understanding of ourselves?   What is identity politics?  The parish brings together different people and has an enormous role to play in facilitating increased understanding among groups.

Accompaniment is complex.  Ideological identity politics can be aggressive and draws on the intense need to belong at the exclusion of all else - leading to division, if this is emotion driven.

We may have lost some of the shared elements of identity that communities used to have.  What is genuine community and how can our Blessed Mother intercede?


  1. A Mission of Reconciliation and Justice in Israel/Palestine Today

If you have not kept up with the changing realities of the conflict in Israel/Palestine, these two presentations will help to fill in any gaps.  These talks are in-depth, yet easy to follow, and showing up to date data.  Below are the links to the recordings of two outstanding presentations on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict from 1917 to today hosted by David M. Neuhaus SJ, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Jerusalem

Each recording is an hour in length including Q & A.

Recording of Part 1, The history and development of the conflict since 1917


Recording of Part 2, Where we are and where we might be going in relation to Palestine


  1. Preaching in a Secular Age

An interview with Deacon Peter Lovrick from St. Augustine’s seminary, and Fr. Thomas  Scirghi, SJ, who has given seminars on Preaching in a Secular Age, brings Fr. Scirghi’s  knowledge in Communication to light.

His journey from an Italian family in New York, to priesthood, may resonate with some in our community.  He then chose to specialize in Homiletics – “the whole purpose of preaching is to tell people what they want to say”.  “In a secular age, we shouldn’t presume that we no longer live in a religious society,” he said. “There are many who are seeking the Lord.”  In an age when many say they’re “spiritual but not religious,” he said that preachers should meet their listeners where they are.  He uses cooking analogies effectively!

The tips he shares for preparing a homily can also apply to anyone who engages with people in a profound way:  preparing lessons for students (how does the subject bring light to the world?);  addressing a difficult topic with children (how will this make us shine?);  responding to a contentious exchange that has left parties resentful (how can we find common ground to restore our relationship?); delivering of a eulogy (how did the deceased bring light to this world?).  Before speaking, prepare by considering his 4R suggestions:  reflect, research, write, rehearse.  The result is to inspire hope.  Cicero said:  to preach is to teach, to delight, and to move. 

Click on this link to hear this moving interview.  (57 minutes) https://youtu.be/1cz-XSqwqgY


All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for September and October 2022

1.  A thorough follow-up to Pope Francis’s recent visit and apology to the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit, this course will address issues of racism and other forms of systemic injustice, as well as introduce new approaches to ecological, social, cultural, and ecclesial reconciliation. Windows on Theology at Regis College is relaunching its Continuous Learning Series this fall.  No prior background in either theology or social studies is required to register.  The course will run on Wednesdays at 11am, both in person and virtually, from Wednesday September 28 to Wednesday November 2, 2022.  Registration is $150.00 pp.

Click on the link below to register for “Ignatian Mysticism in the World:  Social Reconciliation in a Post-Secular Age”, presented by Gordon Rixon, S.J., President-Designate of the college.


2.  The Pope Video for September 2022 - Pope Francis: “The death penalty is inadmissible” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7n3tbprV-4

3. Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD): a brief overview

Dr. L. Mavrogiannis MD, PhD, Medical Director, Dorothy Ley Hospice, and Lead Physician for the Community Palliative Group  (Recorded May 26, 2022)

A very complex and emotional subject:  Like it or not, it is the law.  Hear the perspective of a committed Palliative care provider in our community who shares his evolution on this matter, and clearly walks us through the history of events that brought us to this point and  the steps that our laws now require.  Learn the truths and the myths, understand where this is heading, how and why.  (1 hour, 20 minutes) This is a webinar recording, so please fast forward through the first 6:30 technically awkward minutes. https://youtu.be/soGJQcumEag

4. Mother Teresa’s Feast Day: September 5 – Food for thought during challenging current events - 25 quotes on Living Life Beautifully. https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2022/09/05/mother-teresas-feast-day-25-quotes-on-living-life-beautifully/ 

5. Josephine Lombardi, one of our past guest speakers, is delivering a new online course designed to help participants master the “internal curriculum” of life while wrestling with the existential angst caused by global current events and personal realities.

The Experts in Humanity Project, - 12-week course - begins Tuesday September 27, 2022.

-factors that influence human behaviour

-conflict and communication skills


-family of origin/relationship dynamics

-coping skills

-virtuous leadership

-faith formation

The course builds on her award-winning book, Experts in Humanity: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing. Visit www.josephinelombardi.com  for dates, fees, and registration.

This promotional video link will provide you with an overview and registration details.


6. Faith, Science and Beauty in the Stars

A silent retreat at Manresa, Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre, Pickering

Facilitated by Br. Guy Consolmagno S.J., Director of The Vatican Observatory

September 30 7:00 pm – October 2 1:00 pm

From the opening of Genesis to the encyclical Laudatory Si’, our belief in a Creator has meant that we believe God “reveals Himself in the things He has made” (to quote St. Paul). By looking at beauty in both nature and in the science that lets us understand nature, what is God revealing to us? 

Suggested offering: $ 270.00 per person. Includes two nights accommodation, meals, retreat program and spiritual direction.  Register:  manresa-canada.ca  registration@manresa.ca         905-839-2864

7. Magnificat Breakfast: A Ministry to Catholic Women

Saturday October 22, 2022, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Personal Testimony by Antoinette Pace

St. Benedict Church Parish Hall, 2194 Kipling Ave

Registration $25

Register by Pay Pal, or by Mail – Registration closes October 15, 2022

Seats not sold at the door -- Send cheque, payable to:

Magnificat, c/o 111 Jeffcoat Dr. Etobicoke, ON M9W 3B9

include with your cheque, your name, address, phone number, email

and full name of other guests you are registering.

For Inquiries -- Feiona:  416-846-4068  magnificat.toronto.chapter@gmail.com 

All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for August 2022

1. A Mission of Reconciliation and Justice in Israel/Palestine Today


September 13 -- The history and development of the conflict since 1917

September 20 -- Where we are and where we might be going in relation to Palestine



At the heart of Jesuit identity and mission is the pursuit of justice and reconciliation. In this session, David M Neuhaus SJ will address this topic from the perspective of the Israel/Palestine conflict today.

Register here:     https://bit.ly/israel-palestine-web

2. Canadians against ageism

A recently recorded virtual presentation produced by Vibrant Voices, an RTO, Retired Teachers of Ontario project, with some challenging food for thought and resources for action. 1 hour.


3. The first images from the James Webb Space Telescope.

Consolmagno (Vatican Observatory):

“The universe is not only logical, it is also beautiful.” 13 Luglio 2022 Read only


All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for July, 2022

1. What Makes Education Catholic? 1 hour


Now that only 3% of staff are members of a religious order, and many students are not Catholic,  this is an important question that requires an answer.  This is a recording of the April 25, 2022 webinar with Dr. Thomas Groome, author of the new book, What Makes Education Catholic: Spiritual Foundations, in conversation with Patricia Dal Ben, representing the Catholic Curriculum Corp., which partnered with Novalis to present this event.

What a comprehensive look at the history of Catholic education both in Ontario and globally!

2. The Pope's Astronomer: Meet Br. Guy Consolmagno, 13 minutes

         2022 First Place Gabriel Award for Best Video for Social Media


Br. Guy Consolmagno has an incredible job.  He is the Pope’s astronomer at the Vatican Observatory.  Most people do not even know that the Vatican has an official astronomical observatory with telescopes in Italy and the USA.  The Vatican and astronomy have a long history dating all the way back to 1582 and the Gregorian reform of the calendar.  The observatory also has one of the major collections of meteorites in the world, with over 1100 pieces from the depths of space.

3. From Peru to Mars: New Worlds and Jesuit Science, 1 hour 24 minutes


This presentation provides fascinating perspectives on Science and Faith, but it is also quite technically advanced at times.    For a quick insight into a current event that was all over the news in mid May 2022, you may wish to consider this short cut:   To learn about the Black Hole at the centre of the universe that was imaged for the first time ever, last month, listen to Br. Guy’s answer to a question about this very recent current event.  Fast forward to 1:06:20 hour/minutes/seconds.

If you want to learn more about the black hole, google vaticanobservatory.com, May 12, 2022.

4. Welcoming the Hidden Christ in Our Parishes, 1 hour 28 minutes


By clicking on the link above, you will see and here a recording of a webinar that was sponsored last month by the Archdiocese of Toronto.  ‘Welcoming the Hidden Christ in Our Parishes’ was presented by an expert panel led by Dr. Constance (Connie) Price, Co-Director of the Office of Formation for Discipleship. Expert panellists from various parishes in the GTA will give us insight into the sometimes-hidden world of the obstacles we are not always aware of that are literally roadblocks to the full participation of our parishioners with disabilities – both visible and not visible disabilities.  This is not about ‘building the ramp’ – this presentation goes deeper and beyond mobility accommodations.

Recommended resources are shared as well.

5. The Wasted Opportunity Report, a read-only resource


Rescuing surplus food in a throw-away culture.

The Second Harvest has provided us with gourmet food for thought.

Can we become part of the solution?

Some administrative notes:

If you receive the All-Saints’ Virtual Recommendations twice, once from All Saints’ Parish and once from allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com, please respond to allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com and we will remove you from our distribution list of past participants.

Similarly, if you receive these All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations only from allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com and would like to receive all communications from our All Saints’ Parish, please respond to allsts.guestspeaker@gmail.com and ask us to have your email address added to the All Saints’ Parish distribution list of parishioners.

Please note that the link provided in our weekly bulletin leads to our All Saints’ Parish website, under Outreach Ministry, Virtual Recommendations.  There you will find copies of the last six months of Virtual Recommendations.

Thank you for your continued interest in Current Events that Challenge our Faith.

We hope there is enough to keep you learning until the end of July.

Blessings for Global Peace and Good Will,

Franca Gallucci & Domenic Di Giacomo

Virtual All Saints' Guest Speaker Recommendations

Outreach Ministry


All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for May 7 to june 4, 2022

Blessed Are the Peacemakers | Free Online Conference

May 24, 2022 7:00 pm (Eastern Time)

In a time when war, freedom protests, autonomous weapons, and decolonization are daily news, what does the peace tradition of faith communities suggest for us today? Now perhaps more than ever, peace requires serious consideration. Join people from around the world as we gather on May 24, 2022, at 7 PM EDT, for our 2022 Voices for Peace conference – Blessed Are the Peacemakers.

Our featured keynote — award-winning author and the publisher of Orbis books, Robert Ellsberg, will talk about what it is to create a culture of peace that embraces the radical vision of the Beatitudes.

Special guests include Borys Gudziak, Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church; Willard Metzger, Executive Director, Citizens for Public Justice; Joanne Jefferson, Kairos Indigenous Rights Circle, Stolon Nation; opera singer and concert artist Measha Brueggergosman; and peace activist Sister Mary-Ellen Francoeur.
Event Sponsors
Henri Nouwen Society, Canadian Council of Churches, Church of the Redeemer, Religions for Peace Canada, Citizens for Public Justice, Basilian Centre for Peace & Justice, and The International Thomas Merton Society.

Click on this link to register for this free online conference.


On Reconciliation Between the Jesuits of Canada and Indigenous Peoples

Frequently Asked Questions


In-Person Day Retreats at Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre, Pickering

Listening to Indigenous Voices, May 19, 2022, 9:30 am – 2:30 pm   Offering gratefully accepted.

Led by:   Fr. Bill Robins, SJ, Fr. Trevor Scott, SJ, Mary Hyland and Catherine Von Zuben

A day, led by the Spirit, to learn – to listen – to share – to witness and to pray.  You are invited to gather in the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation, to engage in true Dialogue, as we raise awareness about the History and on-going Legacy of injustice left to our Indigenous sisters and brothers.

Register:   registration@manresa.ca   OR  905-839-2864


Exploring the Via Natura with Les Miller, May 30th, 2022, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Suggested offering :  $50.00 per person.  Includes lunch and coffee/tea breaks

The Via Natura is a way of contemplating creation that leads us closer to the Creator. We draw on insights from Celtic spirituality, Teilhard de Chardin SJ, Bernard Lonergan SJ and Pope Francis. We will also be using expressions of the ideas in the presenter’s recent book Northern Light: A Canadian Prayer Book. This day of recollection will remind us about our place in the flow of creation and healing of our damaged planet.

Register online at: https://manresa-canada.ca/events/    OR email: registration@manresa.ca

A Day of Reflection: Catholic Parents of LGBTQ Young Adults, June 4, 2022 @ 9:00 am – 5:00

$50.00 Suggested Offering, includes break and lunch -- Facilitated by Fr. Philip Shano, S.J. 

To register, please call Mike Hyland at 647-296-2499.The day will include Storytelling.  Presentations. Discussions. Communal prayer. Quiet time. Worship.  Socializing.  We hope to provide a relaxed and supportive atmosphere for Catholic parents to reflect on and talk about their concerns and needs, ask questions about Catholic thought and practice, learn about ministries and resources and meet and interact with other parents who are at various points on their personal and family journeys.


Annual Day of Reflection for Women, with The Sisters of Life

Either Online or In Person

St. Augustine’s Seminary, Saturday, June 4, 2022

9:30 AM Start time for all Registrants,

End time:  1:15 for Online Registrants, 2:30 PM for In-Person Registrants

The Sisters of Life will lead us on a journey into the Heart of Woman to uncover and recover the Feminine Genius desperately needed in our day.

In-Person - $50 plus HST
Online - $25 plus HST

Click on this link to see the day’s full agenda and to Register for either the Online Day or the In-Person Day


Conversations in Catholic Healthcare, Saint Monica Institute

Archbishop Thomas Cardinal Collins of Toronto and other prominent Catholics explore troubling consequences of the secularization and commoditization of the Canadian health care system for the dignity and human fullness of those it seeks to serve.  Cardinal Collins joins host David Mulroney, a former Canadian ambassador to China who has served on the board of a Catholic healthcare network; Moira McQueen, PhD, Executive Director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute; Father Kevin Belgrave, S.T.D., Director of the Institute of Theology of the St Augustine Seminary; and Dr. Pascal Bastien, M.D., General Internal Medicine Specialist at the Queensway Carleton Hospital.

The Importance of Catholic Health Care Series Introduction 1 min https://youtu.be/juFpaoEzixo

Walking with the Good Samaritan 5 min https://youtu.be/h91FQkOA3QA

Catholic Health Care Now more than Ever 5 min https://youtu.be/_Z1SYcna8zc

Questioning the Marks of Medical Progress 4 min https://youtu.be/fupkqwaBEMk

We are made in the image of God 4 min https://youtu.be/HMed_VBp9Ic

The Sacramental Meaning of the Human Body 4 min https://youtu.be/It8En9sPZOg

Life Issues 4 min https://youtu.be/q6OCbeJjDJw

The Human Person 5 min https://youtu.be/hEsQ8PSz9Kc

Scanning the Ethical Horizon 5 min https://youtu.be/dvZVCkoz-30

The Vocation of the Catholic Doctor 5 min https://youtu.be/-NQ5n-Ut1gM

Conscience and Cooperation with Evil 5 min https://youtu.be/Ade89CZeFGo

All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for April 2022

  1. Following last month’s Part One recordings, here are the recordings of Parts Two and Three of the deVeber Institute’s Lecture Series on Palliative Care and MAiD.

Part Two:  Doctors’ Roundtable

Dr. Leonie Herx:  https://youtu.be/5MUwpn-yTXY

Dr. Thomas Bouchard :  https://youtu.be/JDft9VOASEM

Dr. Paul Zeni : https://youtu.be/BICOV_HrkUo

Doctors’ Roundtable Discussion : https://youtu.be/7JPCWasfyFo

Part Three:  MAiD for Mental Illness

Dr. John Maher:  https://youtu.be/UFWwsnsjibM

Dr. Sephora Tang: https://youtu.be/IjDSULjSLWc

Q and A Session:  https://youtu.be/ZzdKtGnljTE

  1. The first ever virtual Ignatian Spirituality Conference held last weekend provided a rich opportunity to learn from clergy who have spent a lifetime working with and contemplating on our global challenges from a Catholic perspective. Here are recordings of three of the eight presentations. 
  • Ignatian Meditation: Through a series of poignant photos, Fr. Scott Lewis, S.J., offers a compelling meditation on suffering in today’s world and the need for healing this brokenness.  https://youtu.be/BBrU0zMtjrQ  
  • Personal and institutional conversion: Fr. Peter Bisson S.J. candidly walks us through Jesuit history with our Indigenous Peoples, the “cannonball” revelations, and the painful journey and evolution to today’s Peace and Reconciliation.: https://youtu.be/BvdW69ASoEQ
  • Gilles Mongeau S.J. reflects on 30+ years of ministry with marginalized communities. This presentation focuses on accompanying LGBTQ+ persons in the Ignatian tradition. https://youtu.be/hd-sm9-9eu4
  1. The Witness of a Life-Giving Faith

Monday, April 25, 2022 09:00 AM - Monday, April 25, 2022 03:00 PM

Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre, 2325 Liverpool Rd., Pickering

A day of reflection for men and women.  In our environment of growing social polarization and division, in which our Christian faith is so often used as fuel for such polarization and divisions, many people see our faith in Christ as overly-defensive, political and life-depleting. But our faith in Christ was born to be life-giving, as we have been experiencing this Easter season. What does it mean to be alive in our faith in a Christ-like way? What do life-giving Christians in the spirit of the Resurrection give witness towards?

This day will include talks given by Fr. Trevor Scott, SJ, Reconciliation Service, confessions available and plenty of time for private prayer and to walk our grounds.  Included is lunch and break. The day ends with Mass.

Facilitated by Fr. Trevor Scott. A suggested offering of $50 per person.

REGISTER: www.manresa-canada.ca 

CONTACT: registration@manresa.ca 

PHONE: 905-839-2864

  1. A Lenten series with a current events perspective: Four powerful podcasts from “Ideas”, a BBC Radio4 production.  Moira McQueen commented on Dr. Kathryn Mannix’s message: “A compelling talk!”  Each talk is 14 minutes long. 

Please note:  These talks are profound and can be painful to hear as some presenters share deeply personal trauma.


  • A retired palliative care physician Dr Kathryn Mannix explores how to be a companion to the dying as she considers the words, "I was sick, and you cared for me".
  • Author and social entrepreneur Dr Krish Kandiah considers the words, "I was a stranger and you invited me in".
  • Historian and theologian Rev Dr Miranda Threlfall-Holmes considers the words, "I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink".
  • Sexual abuse survivor Dr Margaret Kennedy, now living with a degenerative condition, looks back on the trauma as well as the joys in her life, as she considers the words, "I was naked, and you clothed me".

All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for March/April 2022

  1. In case you missed Part One of the deVeber Institute’s March Lecture Series on Palliative Care and MAiD, here are recordings of the three presenters. We hope to provide the recordings of Parts Two and Three next month.

David Shannon:  MAiD and Individuals with Disabilities


Dylan McGuinty Jr:  Radical Autonomy in Supreme Court Jurisprudence


Dr. Margaret Cottle:  Dignity Conserving Care


  1. In this very timely episode of Henri Nouwen, Now & Then, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Archbishop Borys Gudziak talks about the harsh realities facing the Ukrainian people, and how their faith and strength of character have already given them the moral victory.  Listen to this podcast to learn the historical roots of this challenging current event from the perspective of our Church.


  1. Ignatian Spirituality Conference, 500 years of Spiritual Richness to Use in our Lives Today

8 free virtual sessions, April 2 and 3, 11:00 am to 7:30 pm

Experience time-tested methods to delve deeper in the spiritual life. Make meaningful connections, build community and be inspired. Experience healing, transformation, and hope.

Topics for this two-day conference address some challenging current events:  Ecological Inheritance, How to Pray, Discernment, Journeying with LGBTQ persons in our families, society and church, Pilgrimage Displacement Refugees, and more…

Register here:


  1. On a Spiral Path to the Milky Way with Dr. Gabriela Navarro

A challenging current event for a Catholic woman from Chile who excels in science.

An inspirational story from The Vatican Observatory

When she was a young girl growing up in southern Chile, Gabriela Navarro had many dreams… from being a volleyball player to being an astronaut.

In this podcast, follow the spiral path of now-Doctor Navarro that has brought her to studying the structure and formation of the Milky Way and its galactic bulge with the James Webb Space Telescope in Rome… via the 2018 Vatican Observatory Summer School (VOSS), and the 2019 SuperVOSS (which she helped organize!).  She is interviewed by Br. Guy Consolmagno on March 8, 2022, shortly after receiving her doctorate.


  1. Strength, Hope and Dignity

In case you missed this International Women’s Day presentation by Samaritan’s Purse, here is the YouTube link:


  1. Is There Hope for Judas? A spiritual reflection on Forgiveness for this Easter Season, by Christoph Wrembek SJ.

“Hope for Judas” . . . Judas, the son of destruction…  Judas, about whom the gospels tell us very little beyond the dramatic events during the Passion. Jesus’s loving-saving action finds its culmination in him.


All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for February/March 2022

1. Last month we recommended a webinar that featured Dr. Moira McQueen and Dr. Massimo Faggioli.  How Do We Walk together as Church?  Embracing Pope Francis’ New Call to Synodality.

During this exclusive webinar, 1,838 attendees joined authors Moira McQueen and Massimo Faggioli for a robust conversation on the topic of Synodality and how the faithful at all levels can participate in Pope Francis’ call to solidarity and contribute to a rich reflection on a vibrant future for the Catholic Church.

Click this link below to hear the webinar’s recording.


If you wish to participate in the first step of the Synodality process that Dr. Moira McQueen describes in the webinar, you may wish to consider taking the Archdiocese of Toronto survey that seeks to generate honest feedback from all parties in the archdiocese in order to inform the Synod.  Click this link to access the survey.


2. The Serra Foundation exists to promote vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life.  Hear what motivated this year’s new ordinandi to embark on this journey.

The Ordinandi Dinner is Sponsored by the Serra Foundation of Canada and the 6 Serra Clubs in the Archdiocese of Toronto

This year it will again be presented virtually on
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 @ 7pm via youtube.com/archtoronto.

A message from the organizers: 
Please join us as we gather to celebrate new priestly vocations and our seminaries.
We hope you will join us as we meet and honour our Ordinandi at St. Augustine’s Seminary and Redemptoris Mater Seminary who with God’s grace, will be ordained to the priesthood in 2022.
Come share with us the unique opportunity to meet these fine men and to hear about the unique faith journey that lead them to this most noble commitment.
There is no cost to view this event.

3. The deVeber Institute presents its March Lecture Series:

Palliative Care and MAiD, March 1, 10, 16

A three-night lecture series via Zoom addressing Palliative Care in the face of MAiD, featuring doctors, lawyers, and psychiatrists at the forefront of the conversation.

Night One, Three Perspectives, features David Shannon, Dylan McGuinty Jr, and Dr. Margaret Cottle who will tackle:

MAiD and individuals with disabilities

Radical autonomy in Supreme Court jurisprudence

Dignity conserving care

Click on this link to register for the first night, March 1 at 8pm.


March 10:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kE_GVeZdTaOqcq9bY_h32A

March 16:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GcQOkTF_QmK8ApYj770lcw

Please note that you must register separately for each night.

4. Samaritan’s Purse, the same organization we supported to send off the Christmas shoeboxes, invites us to join in on March 8 for a special one-hour online event to celebrate International Women’s Day. See into some of the dangers and challenges faced by women worldwide and be inspired by their stories of strength, hope, and dignity. Hear from Samaritan’s Purse staff on the frontlines of walking with these women in Jesus’ Name, including Anna Zatsepina, protection program manager for Samaritan’s Purse in Cambodia.
Learn how you can make a difference in women's lives around the world.

Tuesday, March 8, 9:00 PM EST

Click on this link to register.  


5. Dynamic Women of Faith Conference

An online event – Tickets $28.25

Saturday March 19 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

Keynote Speaker:  Antonia Salzano, mother of Blessed Carlo Acutis

For more information and to purchase tickets, click here:


6. Last month we recommended The Newman Centre Catholic Mission Faith and Reason Lecture entitled “Artificial Intelligence”, with Dr. Michael Ryall. 

This webinar was presented on January 27.

Here is the link of the recording:


Artificial intelligence is an exciting and very active area of research in computer science. Many describe the goal of this line of work to be the creation of machines with “human-like” intelligence. Popular culture leaves us with many images of what success might look like, from the killer soldier robots in The Terminator, to the oppressed robots of Blade Runner, to the special agents in The Matrix, to the idyllic companion in Her. Unfortunately (or not, depending upon your perspective), none of these scenarios will materialize any time soon—contrary to media hype, machines exhibiting truly human-like intelligence are still way off in the distant future. Nevertheless, we have entered the Age of AI. This technology may not be up to creating the kinds of beings imagined in science fiction movies, but it is powerful, it is omnipresent, and it is exerting a massive influence on the affairs of humans. Is this influence good or bad? In this talk, Dr. Ryall will explore the answer to that question from an Aristotelian/Thomistic perspective of human flourishing: do these technologies make us more or less human?

All Saints’ Virtual Recommendations for January/February 2022

  1. A Zoom presentation and conversation with Sister Nathalie Becquart, XMCJ, Undersecretary for the Vatican Office of the Synod of Bishops, on Synodality, Young People & Church was held on Friday, January 14, 2022.  Here is the recorded version. 


We suggest that you fast forward to the 10 minute mark to see a fabulous animated video that clearly explains the meaning of and intention of this three year Synod.  The Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada are very proud to have worked so closely with Sr. Nathalie, the first woman religious ever to have been selected to participate in such a meaningful position.

This presentation and discussion will prepare you to participate in an upcoming virtual event on Wednesday February 16, at 11:00 am with Drs Moira McQueen and Massimo Faggioli.  This is a free presentation as well, but you will have to register for it. 

How Do We Walk together as Church?  Embracing Pope Francis’ New Call to Synodality

Register:  https://bit.ly/RegisterSnodality

Finally, you may wish to consider taking the Archdiocese of Toronto survey that seeks to generate honest feedback from all parties in the archdiocese in order to inform the Synod.


  1. Sister Joan Chittister is interviewed by Karen Pascal of the Henri Nouwen Society about “The Monastic Heart” and offers valuable insight and encouragement for these unprecedented and challenging times. A Benedictine, the oldest order in the Catholic church, she speaks openly about the beauty of our faith from the perspective of a 1500 year old order which is still a shining light in our world today having endured many struggles.  No giving up.  Embrace the grace. 

Enjoy this podcast.  40 minutes


  1. A simple meditation by Henri Nouwen

The “Ifs” That Enslave Me

As long as I keep running about asking “Do you love me? Do you really love me?” I give all power to the voices of the world and put myself in bondage because the world is filled with “ifs.” The world says: “Yes, I love you if you are good-looking, intelligent, and wealthy. I love you if you have a good education, a good job, and good connections. I love you if you produce much, sell much, and buy much.” There are endless “ifs” hidden in the world’s love. These “ifs” enslave me, since it is impossible to respond adequately to all of them. The world’s love is and always will be conditional. As long as I keep looking for my true self in the world of conditional love, I will remain “hooked” to the world—trying, failing, and trying again. It is a world that fosters addictions because what it offers cannot satisfy the deepest craving of my heart     

  1. The Newman Centre Catholic Mission


Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 7:00 pm

Online Event | Eventbrite Registration: artificialintelligence2022.eventbrite.ca 

  1. A drop of hope for global Religious Freedom. Happening now. Watch this story.  A positive initiative from Kasakhastan.  5 minutes


  1. Some food for thought

From:  A Network for Gratitude at https://gratefulness.org/ 

If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished? RUMI


Franca Gallucci & Domenic Di Giacomo

Virtual All Saints' Guest Speaker Recommendations

Outreach Ministry
