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All Saints Bible Study Group

We meet on Tuesday evenings between September and June to learn more about the bible together. Meetings consist of a video or audio talk followed by discussion and fellowship - always in a prayerful setting.

During Covid we have been meeting remotely via Zoom and will continue to do so for the upcoming session, with some in-person meetings also planned. First meeting is Sept. 20, 2022. Topic: our topic this session is 'The Bible and the Church Fathers', with Matthew Leonard, focusing on the important figures in the early Church and how they built our faith based on the bible. There are 12 video sessions and an accompanying study book. The cost will be around $35-40. Do you feel called to join us? We are welcoming new members at this time. Contact Lucy Furbacher - lucyfurb@hotmail.com  tel. 416 819 2508 or Teresa Meffe - teresa.meffe@gmail.com  tel. 647 985 7003.